本研究目的旨在設計適合空軍飛行生運動參與行為之量表,以空軍軍官學校飛行生為對象進行問卷調查,共得101份有效問卷,所得資料以主成份分析法、直接斜交轉軸之探索性因素分析考驗此量表的建構效度,以Cronbach's α檢驗各因素之內部一致信度,進行預試題項的項目分析、因素分析法及信度考驗等分析。結果顯示運動參與動機量表的Cronbach's α值達 .94、自覺運動阻礙量表達 .93。探索性因素分析的結果支持了各量表因素結構,初步確認了量表的建構效度,項目分析的結果也支持了題項的合適性,建議後續研究者可應用本研究問卷探討相關族群的運動參與行為,同時進一步採驗證性因素分析驗證量表的因素結構,作為後續研究空軍飛行生的運動參與動機的測量工具。
The purpose of this research is to design a scale suitable for the exercise participation behavior of Air Force flight students. A questionnaire survey was conducted on the flight students of the Air Force Military Academy. A total of 101 valid questionnaires were obtained. The construct validity of the scale was tested by exploratory factor analysis, and the internal consistency reliability of each factor was tested by Cronbach's α. The results showed that the Cronbach's α value of the Exercise Participation Motivation Scale was .94, and the conscious exercise barrier expression was .93. The results of exploratory factor analysis supported the factor structure of each scale, preliminarily confirmed the construct validity of the scale, and the results of item analysis also supported the suitability of the items. At the same time, confirmatory factor analysis was further adopted to verify the factor structure of the scale, which was used as a measurement tool for the follow-up study of the motivation of exercise participation of Air Force flight students.