摘要: | 近年來由於油品的食安風暴與個人的健康意識覺醒,人們日益重視好油的選用。為因應此需求行政院農業委員會於民國九十六年推動產銷履歷(Traceability Agricultural Product, TAP),落實食安方面控管與保障民眾飲食安全。
本研究以理性行為理論(Theory of Reasoned Action, TRA)規劃出研究架構,並依要探討內容與分析,做十一大假設所作的網路問卷調查收集量化數據,資料匯整後用SPSS做一些相關統計分析,為了考量人類真實複雜思維,就用結構方程模式(Structural Equation Model,SEM)分析,證明假設是否成立與相關的影響性,求證出產銷履歷與Facebook社群平台確實會影響苦茶油的推廣與銷售,並能引流Facebook上龐大的網路社交族群,本研究的Facebook消費族群等同消費者,以此研究結果,將有益於販售苦茶油的廠商、後續研究者與自售的農民族群。
Food safety incidents involving oil products and increased personal health awareness have drawn people’s attention to selecting healthy cooking oil. In response to such a demand, the Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan promoted Traceability Agricultural Product (TAP) certification in 2007 to implement food safety management and ensure people’s access to safe food.
Because the author of this study has a family business growing oil-seed camellia, this study investigated the use of TAP certification in promoting the sales of camellia oil; improving consumer awareness, trust, and acceptance; and increasing consumer purchase intention. The COVID-19 pandemic has reduced outdoor activities and considerably increased online business opportunities. Therefore, this study recruited users of Facebook—the largest online community in Taiwan—with a minimum age of 20 years as participants. In addition, a Facebook fan page for TAP-certified camellia oil was created to promote such products to the online community. This study holds research value in that it helps consumers on Facebook to understand the advantages of camellia oil and increases their purchase intention.
The Theory of Reasoned Action(TRA) was applied to design the present study’s research framework. Based on the research objectives, eleven hypotheses were proposed, and quantitative data were collected accordingly using a questionnaire that was distrib-uted online. Subsequently, SPSS was used to conduct statistical analyses of the collect-ed data. This study conducted Structural Equation Modeling(SEM) analysis to reflect the complexity of human mind, verify research hypotheses, and determine relevant im-pact factors. According to the results, the promotion and sales of camellia oil were af-fected by TAP and social media platform, and this study successfully conducted in-bound marketing with the large online community on Facebook. Facebook consumer communities were deemed as consumers in this study, and the findings may be benefit to camellia oil manufacturers, subsequent researchers, and direct-to-consumer farmers. |