Despite the recent development of Automated Writing Evaluation (AWE) technology and the growing interest in applying this technology to pedagogy, few studies have dissected the effects of using AWE on facilitating learners in foreign language writing instruction. This study not merely examined AWE's effects upon English as a Foreign Language (EFL) learners in writing but investigated the detail behind. Participants were 20 juniors from the Department of English Language and Literature at Chinese Culture University in Taipei, Taiwan during the spring semester of 2019. All participants were given a pre-test and a post-test for evaluation. Grammarly, a popular type of AWE, was selected and employed as an assistance tool. The students' test scores were analyzed by t-test. Findings revealed that there was a significant improvement in applying Grammarly. More implications were further presented.
儘管自動化寫作評量(Automated Writing Evaluation, AWE)的應用已日趨普及,許多學者也大力倡導將其技術導入教學,然而大部分的研究資訊仍十分有限,還是未能完整或有效地把該技術導入英文寫作之中。有鑑於此,本研究試圖探究如何有系統地將此自動化寫作評量與外語寫作教學做一結合,故以Grammarly為例,於107學年度第2學期(2019年春季),分析了二十位就讀於中國文化大學英國語文學系三年級的臺灣學生,他們在英文寫作上的表現;進而運用學生t檢驗(Student's t-test),來評估該二十位參與者在前測與後測的成績,並剖析其差異。研究結果指出:Grammarly成效十分顯著,其細節會更深入地梳理和探討。
Hwa Kang English Journal ; 25卷 (2020 / 07 / 01) , P79 - 95