本論文以災防應變作業流程為基礎,並運用網際網路地理資訊系統的技術建立災防應變主題圖,並結合最新的行動化通訊對話機器人技術,開發「災害情資服務之對話機器人」,提供民眾或災防人員於災害應變期間以主題式的方式即時查詢情資研判之相關資訊。本文以2016年梅姬颱風事件為例,利用Arcgis online平台製作災害情資之災防主題圖,並透過LINE對話機制,使用者能以關鍵字詞的方式快速查詢災防相關的主題圖資訊,並取得最即時的災防情資資訊。
The Central Emergency Operation Center (CEOC) has activated when disaster happened. Different agencies will station into the CEOC to provide disaster information to commander of CEOC. To integrate various information from different agencies is one important task of response state. Normally, the disaster information will be presented into several disaster maps for staff of COEC. However, people usually not easily to obtain the disaster map, immediately. With the popularization of mobile devices, people usually use the mobile device to get the information through communication software. The dialogue robot becomes the important technology for disseminating information and bring the innovative application of information sharing.
This study is based on the disaster prevention and response states. We uses web geographic information system technology to create a disaster prevention and response disaster map, and combines the dialogue robot technology with mobile deveice to develop a "disaster integrated service dialogue robot. This approach provides people or disaster prevention personnel to query disaster information through different keywords to get various disaster maps. Finally, this study demonstrates the results by the 2016 MEGI typhoon event. And the ArcGIS online platform is used to create a disaster map which provides users through the LINE dialogue mechanism by keywords.