摘要: | 相對於原本歐盟第一支柱底下與勞力、商品、資金及服務等四項流通自由有關的各項政策,如關稅同盟、單一市場、共同農業政策、共同漁業政策、單一貨幣、申根條約及第二支柱的共同外交及安全政策,第三支柱的刑事司法合作則是比較不爲人所熟悉者。歐盟刑事司法領域的統合,始於1970年代的TREVI工作小組,當時以論壇的方式協商,係屬非正式合作。隨著歐盟的日漸東擴,在總人口及成員國數目上急劇地增加,刑事案件之警政與司法合作的議題也逐漸在歐盟內部獲得重視,特別是在恐怖活動,此種問題並不能以傳統軍事安全概念理解,而是屬新的安全議題,而獲得參與統合的歐洲各國的重視。因而促使各會員國重視關於內政與司法領域的合作。本文以歐盟刑事司法合作之歷史發展爲主題,依序針對與歐盟刑事司法合作有關之重要條約內容、設置的重要機構及相關重要法律工具進行探討,其次,本文作者亦同時針對歐盟刑事司法統合所面臨之問題,分別就刑事司法之本質、人權保障、設置機構之功能上缺憾及會員國法律制度等角度,提出看法。最後以歐盟刑事司法合作的發展對於我國法能有何種啓發,而總結本文。
The European Union is organized by the three pillars structure, i.e., the so-called roof of the European Union, which include European Community, European Atomic Energy Community, Common Foreign and Security Policy and Police and Judicial Co-operation in Criminal Matters. In comparison with the free circulation policies concerning the labor, commodity, finance and service under the first pillar structure, such as customs union, single market, common agriculture policy and common fisheries policy, as well as the common foreign and security policy under the second pillar structure, the police and judicial cooperation in criminal matters under the third pillar structure is less familiar to people. The integration between EU Interior and judiciary is begun by TREVI in 1970s. With the gradual expansion of the European Union to the East, the population and the number of the member states rose rapidly. Topics concerning the police and judicial cooperation in criminal matters gradually receive attention inside the European Union. Particularly, in this 21st century in which terrorism run wild day by day, the police and judicial cooperation among the member states of the European Union become much closer. This essay takes the historical development of criminal justice cooperation in the EU as its theme, and discusses in turn the important treaties, the important organs and relevant legal tools that are relevant to the EU criminal justice cooperation. Secondly, the author of this article also points out the problems that the EU faces in the criminal justice unification, and points out the essence of criminal justice, the protection of human rights, the functional defects of the setting agency and the legal system of the member states. Finally, with the development of the EU criminal justice cooperation, what kind of enlightenment can be produced for our country's law can be summed up. |