凱西‧肯格羅西(Casey Cangelosi, 1982- )是目前當紅的現代擊樂演奏家與作曲家,他的演奏技巧高超,被譽為「打擊樂界的帕格尼尼」。他的創作以擊樂作品為主,其獨特的風格、其將各種擊樂器的音色發揮的淋漓盡致且極富變化性,受到普羅大眾的喜愛。
Casey Cangelosi is a popular contemporary percussionist and composer. His excellent performing techniques have won him the title of “Paganini of percussion”. His works, mainly for percussion, are featured by unique music style and well-elaburated the texture and tone colors of different percussion instruments. Without questions, Cangelosi’s music is widely liked by many music lovers.
This study consists of six chapters. Chapter One serves as the introduction, which includes the motivation and the aim of the study, methodology, and literature review. Chapter Two discusses about Casey Cangelosi’s composing process, his music style, and the important position he has for percussion. Chapter Three contains Casey Cangelosi’s percussion works along with his composing approaches, and furthermore lays the foundation for the discussions in the fourth and fifth chapters. Chapter Four analyzes the characteristics and the music structures of three of Cangelosi’s percussion pieces – Meditation No. 2, Sleight of And Evil Hand, and Second Character. In chapter Five, the writer discusses about his interpretations for the three pieces mentioned above, and suggests practicing approaches for these three pieces. Chapter Six concludes the study.