建築產業碳排放量佔全球將近40%,減碳成為全球共同必須關注的議題,而消費者對於減碳有共同的責任與義務,其消費行為對於減碳具有重大影響力,因此本研究探討消費者在生活中實踐建築減碳的路徑以因應氣候變遷。2018臺中世界花卉博覽會展出一棟以天然材料(木材、泥土)為主、強調參與式協作之建築—四口之家,獲得台灣「鑽石級建築碳足跡認證」及德國 IF 設計獎等肯定,因此本研究以四口之家為研究案例,經文獻回顧與案例探討,得出消費者可由材料、工法、設計、生活四面向實踐建築減碳的路徑。研究方法採用體驗理論與半結構式訪談法,訪問各20位消費者與設計師,企圖初探消費者對於自然建築的觀點,釐清潛在消費者特徵、探究消費者建築減碳的實踐路徑以及提供可行的實踐建議。結果發現消費者與設計師年齡主要介於30至49歲,女性消費者較男性具實踐意願,美與療癒的感受讓消費者願意實踐建築減碳,目前消費者的實踐路徑缺口以工法與設計面向為主,可自行尋找工班與設計專業者,或參加課程與手作工作坊,學習相關專業能力以應用於實踐路徑。結論指出消費者對於自然建築的觀點為結合建築與自然環境的永續生活畫面,並同時滿足視覺美感與心理療癒的感受。
Consumers have common responsibilities and obligations for carbon reduction. They should actively practice carbon reduction in their lives. Their consumption behavior has a significant impact on carbon reduction. The construction industry accounts for nearly 40% of global carbon emissions, which is closely related to consumers' lives. Therefore, this study explores how consumers can practice the path of building carbon reduction in their lives in response to climate change. 2018 Taichung World Flora Exposition exhibited a sustainable building based on natural materials (wood, soil) and emphasizing participatory collaboration— an Eco-Friendly Home for Four, which won Taiwan's "Diamond Building Carbon Footprint Accreditation" and the German IF Design Award. Through references review and case study, consumers will adopt a research framework of materials, construction, design, and lifestyle aspects to practice building carbon reduction. The research method adopts experience theory and semi-structured interview to interview 20 consumers and designers each. The reason for interviewing designers is that they are able to cooperate with consumers in practice. Before the interview, consumers would experience in an Eco-Friendly Home for Four. In the purpose of clarifying the characteristics of potential consumers, exploring the paths to practice building carbon reduction, and providing consumers with feasible practice suggestions. The results found that consumers and designers are mainly between the ages of 30-49. Female consumers are more willing to practice than male. Beauty and healing feelings make consumers willing to practice building carbon reduction. Moreover, the main gaps in practice path are construction and design aspects. Consumers can look for construction and design professionals or take courses or workshops on their own, and learn the relevant professional ability to apply to the practice path. The conclusion pointed out that consumers can practice natural building through materials, construction, design, and lifestyle orientation. For consumers, an Eco-Friendly Home for Four is the current understanding of natural building and the actual application of sustainable life.