全球對華語文學習需求不斷増長的情況下,為確保華語教師的教學品質,臺灣與中國大陸各建立其華語文師資認證制度與系統,即「對外華語教學能力認證」與「國際中文教師證書」。本研究之研究目的有三:(1)透過Bereday(1957)比較教育分析法比較兩岸華語文師資認證考試之差異。(2)藉由比較「對外華語教學能力認證」評核標準、中國大陸「國際漢語教師標準」以及獲全美師資培育認證審議會(Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation)核准的「語言教師職前培訓計畫標準」三項標準,探討建立「對外華語教師(能力)標準」對臺灣華語教學領域的重要性。(3)探究「華語教師勝任力」的內涵,並透過針對華語教師的問卷探討具備勝任力之華師須具備哪些勝任特徵,以及華師們對「對外華語教學能力認證」考試之意見。
In order to ensure the teaching quality of Chinese language teachers in the face of the global growing demand for Chinese language learning, Taiwan and China have established their own certification systems, the “Ministry of Education Certificate of Qualifications to Teach Mandarin Chinese as a Second/ Foreign Language, CQTCFL” and “Certificate for Teachers of Chinese to Speakers of Other Languages, CTCSOL” respectively. The purpose of this study was threefold. The first was to compare the cross-strait certification systems with the Bereday’s (1957) Comparative Method in Education. The second was to compare regulating standards across three systems; assessment criteria of the CQTCFL, the “Standards for Teachers of Chinese to Speakers of Other Languages” as well as their Western equivalents the ACTFUL/CAEP issued “Program Standards for the Preparation of Foreign Language Teachers” to make recommendations for standardization of the “Standards for TCFL Teachers” in Taiwan. The third was to explore the connotation of competencies of TCFL teacher. The questionnaire for TCFL teachers was conducted to explore the qualities for a competent TCFL teacher and their views on the CQTCFL test. The comparative results show differences exist between the cross-strait certification systems from application requirements and test subjects to assessment criteria. The CQTCFL focused on knowledge inspection. The “Standards for Teachers of Chinese to Speakers of Other Languages” and “Program Standards for the Preparation of Foreign Language Teachers” are roughly 90% similar. The methods of evaluating teachers all include observed teaching, or in-class practicum. Both standards can be used as a reference for the reform of the certification system in Taiwan. The results of the questionnaire’s statistics show the 31 qualities in the "Chinese Teacher Competency Model" in this study were considered necessary. According to teachers’ replies, 61% of teachers stated Taiwan should promote Standards for TCFL Teachers. Furthermore 56% of teachers believe applying Standards for TCFL Teachers as the basis for the assessment does not necessarily lead to effective evaluation of teachers. It was also found that 71% of teachers believe that observed teaching or in-class practicum should be added in order to know whether the test taker is competent in teaching. The proposals from this study are expected to enhance the evaluation effectiveness of the CQTCFL and thus enhance the competencies of TCFL teachers and provide substantial help in their future development.