「企業內調職」之「民事救濟」,就實體面向而言,我國規範勞動關關係之主要法規中,並未見有任何關於調職之定義性及如何審查其合法性之相關規定,唯有仰賴實務及學說建立相關理論;而於 104 年勞動基準法增訂第 10 條之 1 以後,該規定各款之具體內涵為何?亦值得深入探討。就程序面向而言,該規定如何於民事訴訟法上加以發揮、運用?以及訴訟類型如何選擇?增訂前後實務發展之動向為何?亦值得深入探討;於勞動事件法立法完成,且於 2020 年 1 月開始正式施行,該規定如何於勞動事件法上如何發揮、運用?亦值得深入探討。
Civil remedies for intra-enterprise transfers. As far as entities are concerned, there is no provision in the main regulations in the law of this nation regulating labor relations on the definition of transfer and how to review its legality. We can only rely on practice and doctrine to establish relevant theories. What are the specific meanings of the paragraphs of Article 10-1 of the Labor Standards Law, as updated in 2015? It is also worth exploring. As far as procedure is concerned, how does this provision apply in civil procedural law? And how to choose the type of lawsuit? How's the practice going before and after the update? How will this provision be applied in the Labor Incident Act after the labor incident law legislation has been completed and will come into force in January 2020? This is also a question worth exploring.