在「言語行為論述」(Speech Act theorie)中,「言外作用」(illocutionary force)建構在溝通功能(communicative function)與言談語境(discourse context)的交互效能。然而二十世紀法國新小說作家娜塔莉.莎侯特(Nathalie Sarraute),卻在其劇作中解構「言外作用」的溝通功能與「隱示含義」(implicit)的語境。本文的研究主旨,即在於探究莎侯特如何以看似合理的對談格式,羅織戲劇角色間之語言攻防,進而挖掘出潛藏與談者內心底層的幽微意識,及其轉瞬湧現的感受
In speech act theories, the illocutionary force is assumed to be constructed in the interaction between the speaker's intention and the context in which the dialogue is taking place. As an iconic author of French New Novel in the twentieth century, Nathalie Sarraute attempted to deconstruct, in her dramatic works, the communicative function of the illocutionary force and the implicit meaning in the seemingly explicit discourse. Our study analyzed how Sarraute employed the plausible discourse structure in her plays to elaborate lively inner movements and conflicting perceptions among the characters. Their dialogues are further examined in detail to explore the subtleties of their subconscious minds and the emergence of an underground magma energy into the conversation