Beef noodle, a common dish, are combined with beef, noodle and ingredient. However, studies related to beef noodle were still insufficient in social science research. The objective of this research was to investigate the effect of the store image and beef quality on the consumer behavior. The results were provided to the relevant business and organization for their reference in order to improve the quality of service and marketing strategy. Four hundred and eight respondents of purposive sampling from four traditional style beef noodle stores in Taipei were participated for this study. The questionnaires, including the personal profile, the importance and satisfaction of store image, and consumer behavior with Likert five-point scale, were used to conduct quantitative research. The data was further analyzed with SPSS for Windows 21.0. Respondents paid most attention to the hygiene of store. The most satisfied part was the beef quality. Store image was shown significant influence on importance and satisfaction in consumer behavior due to respondents' gender, education, occupation, disposable income per month, and their beef and noodle preference in general. There were 70.3% consumers who chose to consume the beef noodle based on store reputation, followed by 59.3% with seeing other consumers in store. Domestic beef was most consumers' preferred origin (40.4%). Regarding the way of cooking, there were 62.5% and 36.0% favoring braising and stewing, respectively.