摘要: | 本計畫所譯注的經典為國科會公布的「推薦書單」之一,由美國哲學家兼教育家約翰杜威(John Dewey, 1859-1952)於1938年出版的《經驗與教育》(Experience and Education)。此一代表這位二十世紀最重要教育理論家最精要宣言的教育經典,已有1940年代的三個中譯本,及1990年代的一個中譯本。但這四個譯本多「譯」而少「注」,甚至只「譯」而不「注」;又,其中有譯者可能誤解原典文字或提供資訊不足的情況。因此,本計畫乃決定重新譯注,讓譯文更臻「信、雅、達」的理想,並讓注釋使讀者理解與原文有關的更豐富、更正確的訊息。該書的版本很多,本計畫所譯注的是該書六十周年版(Experience and education: The 60th anniversary edition, 1998)。該版本的特色之一是原出版單位Kappa Delta Pi國際教育榮譽學會(Kappa Delta Pi International Honor Society in Education, 以下簡稱 KDP)邀請了曾經獲贈該會桂冠學者榮譽的四位當代學者,為最早獲得此項榮譽的杜威所出版的這本書,各自撰寫了一篇評論。這四位學者在教育學術領域都是卓有名聲,而且對於杜威的論著有精到之研究;他們所撰寫的評論極具參考價值。職是之故,本計畫不只譯注杜威《經驗與教育》的全文,並且將這四篇評論一併譯注。本計畫主持人(以下簡稱本人)依據國科會的要求所完成的譯注研究計畫成果,分為上下二編。上編為緒論暨譯注本,又分為二篇,第一篇是名為緒論的學術導讀,包括杜威其世其人、該書的重要性,以及重新譯注的必要性等三章;又,第一篇並附有杜威自述及傳記二文的中譯。第二篇為譯注本,包括正文前各事項、正文八章、當代四位學者的評論四章、正文後各事項等四者。下編則為研究論文,由論文三章組成。包括杜威《經驗與教育》蘊含的教育改革理念、杜威《經驗與教育》呈顯的教育願景,以及解析四位當代學者對杜威《經驗與教育》的評論等論文三章。全部成果共約三十萬字。
The translation and annotation of Experience and EducationAbstractThe classic book translated and annotated is《Experience and Education》authored by John Dewey (1859-1952) and published in 1938. The book is on the list of the classics recommended to be translated and annotated promulgated by the National Science Council in 2010.The book, the best concise statement on education by the most important educational theorist of the twentieth century, had already been translated into Chinese for four times, three in the 1940s and one in the 1990s, before the present project executed. Nonetheless, the four translations have few annotations and are defected with some mis-interpretations and lack of information. The present project aims at retranslating and annotating the book to make the interpretations more faithful, expressive and elegant, and providing the readers with more thorough understandings and more correct information. The enlarged edition, the present project dealt with, is the 60th anniversary edition published by Kappa Delta Pi International Honor Society in Education (KDP) in 1998. The new edition features four critical essays written by noted educators and Dewey scholars who, as Dewey, were conferred Laureates by KDP in different years. Therefore, the project has not only the book but also the four critical essays retranslated and annotated. It is believed that the added parts would be instrumental for readers from Chinese speaking world to understand the book more significantly.The final product of the project is divided into three parts. In part I, a critical introduction of Experience and Education including an epitome of Dewey’s biography and bibliography, the importance of the book, and the rationale for retranslating and annotation was written. The translations and annotations of the book as well as the four critical essays are composed of part II. In part III, three research papers were included. Two of them were written based on the in-depth analysis of Experience and Education and Dewey’s other works and related literatures on Dewey’s educational thoughts. In the third paper, the fours critical essays written by noted scholars were analyzed. All of the work amounts to about 300,000 Chinese characters. |