摘要: | 《實用主義與教育研究》之譯注 本計畫擬譯注之經典為畢斯達(Gert J. J. Biesta)與伯布列斯(Nicholas C. Burbules)所著「《實用主義與教育研究》」(Pragmatism and Educational Research, 2003)(簡稱《實用》)。本書在教育學方法論為國內外認同之經典著作,科技部曾將其列在 103 年度人文及社會科學經典譯注計畫的推薦書單上即為明證。 本計畫書除以本書(一)能啟發研究者對於研究方法論背後之哲學立論,做深度的理解與反思,提昇研究品質,(二)以杜威的實用主義觀點開啟教育研究方法新方向,(三)重新詮釋建構杜威對於探究、知識、經驗、實在等論述,啟發研究者於教育研究的民主實踐之省思等三點,說明本書譯註為中文之價值外,並自本書作者的生平與重要著述、本書成書緣由、本書大要、本書之影響分析,以及重要文獻評述等,進一步介紹《實用》一書,俾便確認譯注的必要性。 本計畫擬以兩年(2020/08/01-2022/07/31)時間完成。因本申請書已就《實用》的書名譯名緣由、重要內容、及本書之影響分析等作了概略的探討,在此一基礎上,本計畫期能剋期完成《實用》一書之譯注,以及一篇學術導讀之撰作。在這篇導讀之中,會將本書的內容作一批判式的介紹, 並就其為教育研究領域所帶來的意義與價值,再做檢視與論述。本計畫所完成的譯注與學術導讀,合計約20萬字。
An annotated translation of Biesta & Burbules’ Pragmatism and Educational Research, 2003 The classic book to be translated and annotated is Pragmatism and Educational Research, published by Gert J. J. Biesta (1957-) and Nicholas C. Burbules (1954-) in 2003. It is a generally recognized classic in educational research area both in the English and Chinese speaking societies including Taiwan. It was also listed on the “2014 list of recommended classics in Education” promulgated by the National Science Council. In this proposal, three aspects of the significance of the Chinese annotated translation was explained, including 1. it helps raising research quality by inspiring deeper reflection on the philosophical framework of research, 2. it opens up a new direction for educational research through Dewey’s Pragmatism, and 3. it triggers reflective thinking over the democratic practice of research by reconstructing Dewey’s views on inquiry, knowledge, experience and reality. In addition, brief accounts of the authors’ lives, the reason for writing this book, synopsis of each chapter content, an analysis of the book’s influence and a review of relevant literature citing this book were provided, to reassure the necessity of this annotated translation of the book. The project is scheduled to be conducted within two years from 2020/08/01 to 2022/07/31. As the authors, contents, and reviews and critics of this book have been initially surveyed, the annotated translation of “Pragmatism and educational research” will be expected to finish according to schedule, with a critical introduction written for this book. In the critical introduction, a commentary of the book and a critical discussion of the bearing and values brought by this book into the educational research area including Chinese world will be presented. The expected word count of the annotated translation in this project will be around 200,000 words in traditional Chinese. |