極端氣候導致海岸帶災害、並會衝擊沿海產業與人文社會,海岸社區居民因此應提升環境風險意識並採取因應行動。本 (子) 計畫「極端氣候下台灣雲嘉海岸社區風險感知與韌性推進研究」著重因應 (Response) 氣候衝擊,擬以「在地知識」與「社會實踐」作為極端氣候下社區風險 (Risk) 感知與韌性 (Resilience) 推進之論述核心。本研究有助於釐清與溝通氣候變遷下之社會脆弱度 (Social vulnerability),提升海岸社區居民調適能力 (Adaptability)。本計畫為期三年,第一年建立以Driver-Pressure-State-Impact-Response(DPSIR)因果模型為基礎之研究架構並選定暴露於颱風暴潮之嘉義縣東石鄉海岸社區作為研究區域。第二年進行社區風險感知分析,運用DPSIR研究架構,進行半結構式訪談,以及分析受訪者口述資料;第三年建立社區韌性推進模式,邀請相關子計畫成員,運用地理設計方法,聚焦在資料、設計、決策三個地理設計階段與流程,共同建置海岸社區韌性推進模式,支援氣候變遷調適相關決策。本研究有助於釐清與溝通氣候變遷衝擊,提升海岸社區居民調適能力。
Climate extremes may induce storm surge and have impacts on coastal industries and societies. Coastal residents need to raise risk awareness in responding to the climate risks. Focusing on local knowledge and social practice, this study addresses risk perceptions and advancing resilience of communities on the west coast of Taiwan under climate extremes through a case study of Dongshi Township, Chiayi County. This study underlines the significance of interdisciplinary research approaches, social vulnerability assessment, and stakeholder engagements. In the first year, this study will develop research framework based on the Driver-Pressure-State-Impact-Response (DPSIR) causal framework, and identify key impact factors on environmental risks of coastal communities. In the second year, the semi-structured interviews will be conducted to explore risk perceptions of the locals. It is expected in the third year, a geodesign process can be started to invite the research members to develop a model for advancing resilience of coastal community resilience to climate change. This study helps to identify and communicate climate impacts and raise adaptive abilities of the locals.