中國國家資本主義的一個重要關鍵,就是政商的網絡關係,其中國資委扮演重要角色。本研究參考「權力經濟網絡」理論的相關概念,提出中國假管理冠軍國企的「權力經濟網絡」, 在此基礎上,再結合Mark Wu提出的「China Inc.」有關中國企業運作的「權力網絡」的相關特徵,以國資委和國開行為對象,提出中國企業運作的「權力網絡」的操作性分析架構,特徵如下:(1)中共中央組織部保有對國開行等央企高層人事任命的控制權;(2)黨國透過國資委控制中國經濟「制高點」,國開行積極支持協助央企發展,主導發展國家戰略性產業,國資委央企地位鞏固,成為最大受益者;(3)黨國保留對中資金融企業的控制權,控制最重要銀行的大股份,國開行與國資委合作的「產融結合」優勢明顯,國開行協助國資委實際上成為中國的主權財富基金;(4)由政府實體機構制定指導經濟的總體計劃,在國家戰略指導經濟的規劃過程中,國開行長期參與以國資委央企為主要角色推動的合作計畫,實現經濟總體計畫;(5)國開行存在靈活的正式或非正式的商業網絡。 本研究將探討下列問題:中國大陸國家資本主義下的政經權力網絡如何建構? 國資委如何成為權力網絡中的「制高點」?國資委如何體現黨國利益?國開行和國資委如何形塑地方權力網絡?
A vital feature of China’s state capitalism has been it intimate political-economic networks. In these profound networks the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council (SASAC) plays a vital role. Relying on the power economic network theory this research intends to explore the close cooperative relationship between the SASAC and the China Development Bank (CDB). Drawing from relevant theories this research forms the following framework: (1) CCP’s Central Organizational Department controls the top-level management of the champion state-owned enterprises; (2) The party-state has the commanding heights of the economy. The CDB actively supports the SOEs of strategic importance which are supervised by the SASAC; (3) The party-state controls the financial sector. The CDB is virtually China’s sovereignty fund. The cooperation between the financial sector and the manufacturing sector is extremely close; (4) The government has a comprehensive plan for the development of the economy and the CDB participates in the enacting of development plans of the SOEs under the SASAC; (5) Formal and informal political-economic networks formed by the CDB are keys to its success. This research intends to answer the following questions: How are the political-economic networks in China’s state capitalism crafted? How does the SASAC manage to become a commanding height? How does the cooperation between the SASAC and the CDB serve national interests? And last, how do the two institutions form power networks?