與先進國家比較,我國的職業災害發生率仍然偏高,除了提供安全的工作環境,職業安全教育更是不容忽視,但職業安全的教育訓練常是以傳統講述的方式而少有實作的機會,研究指出造成學習保留的效果不佳,且受限於災害的不可預測性及危險性,難以讓學生親身體驗災害現場及演練技巧,因此常對於如何預防存有許多迷思,錯誤的觀念反而讓自身暴露於更危險的環境中,虛擬實境(Virtual Reality)強調互動與探索的方式,取代在原本具危險性的環境中學習,頭戴式裝置的普及更能貼近真實的情境,但研究發現虛擬實境仍須搭配適切的教學策略才能將其優點發揮,科學-技學-社會-環境(STSE)教學模式即鼓勵學生以觀察、探究等方法探討與環境相關的問題,思考如何解決並加以落實,與職業安全衛生教育強調覺察職場中的危機並加以防範的精神不謀而合,且能與虛擬實境著重沉浸式的探索環境相輔相成,因此本研究目的為建置STSE教學模式結合頭戴式虛擬實境之職業安全衛生學習環境,探究對於學習成效、安全衛生職能、自我效能與認知負荷的影響,且透過腦波儀所蒐集的情緒性資料如專注力、壓力等也能帶來比自陳式問卷更客觀詳細的數據,因此進一步比較使用不同教學媒體在STSE各教學活動步驟中專注力與壓力的差異性。
The occupational safety education in the current curriculum is usually lecture-based and students usually have limited retention and misconceptions. Disasters are dangerous and unpredictable for students to experience and practice evacuation skills. Virtual reality removes the limitation of time and space and facilitates students to learn and explore more actively in safe environments. The head-mounted devices provide a more immersive environment for students to enhance their learning motivation. Studies have found appropriate pedagogy should be integrated into virtual reality. Science-technology-society-environment (STSE) learning emphasizes students’ exploration of daily issues and could be parallel with virtual reality in exploring. In this study, the STSE learning model and head-mounted virtual reality will be combined to improve occupational safety education and further compare their learning effect, cognitive load and learning experiences. The EEG is also used to investigate students’ attention and pressure among different learning media.