摘要: | 當氣候變遷與議題已成為全球關注焦點,台灣的能源轉型計畫可說是勢在必 行,然而我國政府雖於2009 年已通過「再生能源發展條例」,但在缺乏公眾討論 與參與、行動綱領,以及理念共識的情形下,地方居民、關心公民與地方政府的 角色長期被排除在政策網絡之外,因此在推動轉型的動力上,只有業者與官方單 方面的投入,不但對於願景缺乏創意,同時亦因未能事先凝聚社會共識,而在執 行過程出現了許多斷裂現象,形成另一種社會不公義與無效率 在缺乏民眾的大量投入下,民眾對於能源轉型的知識與參與亦顯得貧瘠, 2014 年我國開始由民間倡議者成立「一戶一千瓦」之公民電廠計畫,「公民電廠」 的概念是從2000 年四月起源於德國,目前已經有超過120 個國家制定公民發電 的政策,透過分散式與社區式的發電型態,解決能源過於集中的安全性與環境衝 擊問題。「一人一千瓦」透過社企平台,結合有屋頂之住家與想投資的公民,解 決資金與屋頂不能同時到位的問題,目前在北台灣已有宜蘭仰山基金會與花園新 城社區陸續投入。 本計畫希望透過觀察這種在地的能源倡議與行動網絡,瞭解這些地方行動者 在以地區為主的分散式能源計畫中提出了哪些具有「在地智慧」的社會倡議,以 及在地社會脈絡如何影響這些倡議的發展,而這些倡議在執行後,又對社區或政 策產生了哪些轉化?透過分析這項新興的能源與社會工程,以便能為國內的能源 轉型計畫提供可行的方向。
With the increasing global concern to climate change issue, energy transition programs are greatly demanded. The Taiwanese government passed the “Renewable Energy Development Act” in 2009; however, local communities, concerned citizens, and local governments were excluded in the policy networks due to the lacking of public deliberation and participation, action agendas, and consensuses. Therefore, the transformation were to some extent solely facilitated by the government and business sectors, and the lacking of creativity led to cleavages contributing social injustice and ineffectiveness, for the social agreement were hardly shaped. Without massive efforts from civil sectors, public knowledge and participation toward energy transition were relative insufficient. From 2014, Taiwan’s civil activists launched a “Taiwan Independent Power Plant, TIPP” program , which was originated from Germany in 2000 and adopted by more than 120 countries now, aiming to generate power by local households in a dispersed and communal manner in order to solve safety and environmental issues brought by traditional power sector. TIPP will connect local household with roofs and potential public investors through a social enterprise platform, and there have been two sites, Youngsun Foundation in Yilan and Garden Community in Hsindian, established in Northern Taiwan This research aims to observe this particular kind of local energy innovation and action networks to better understand the following facts: are there local wisdoms in those innovations? How did the local social contexts influent those innovation? What kinds of impacts did the innovation have on local communities and public policies after they were carried out? By analyzing the emerging energy and social project, this research is expected to point a plausible way for Taiwan’s energy transition journey. |