多功能運動場館(multifunctional stadiums)大多以公私合作夥伴關係(public-private partnerships, PPP)模式興建而成,PPP模式能夠減輕政府財政壓力、提升公共基礎建設品質和效率,著重建築工程技術及融資計劃的實務操作與計量分析,已在歐美國家及許多開發中國家得到廣泛運用。在PPP項目後續的經營管理上應用文化生態系統服務創新(cultural ecosystem service innovation, CESI)模式,更能有效地提高PPP項目的效率與效益,增進PPP項目的永續發展(sustainable development)。
Multifunctional stadiums are mostly built in the public-private partnership (PPP) model. PPP model can reduce the government's financial pressure, improve the quality and efficiency of public infrastructure, and emphasize the practical operation and quantitative analysis of construction engineering technology and financing plan. It has been widely used in many of the developed and developing countries. The application of cultural ecosystem service innovation (CESI) model in the management of PPP project can improve the efficiency and benefit of PPP project and promote the sustainable development of PPP model.
This study explains the concept of city-based system service innovation to help international cities improve the efficiency and effectiveness of PPP projects. It proposes a comprehensive PPP innovation management framework, which is based on cultural ecosystem services and open innovation, to support the operation and management of PPP projects with a more effective model. This research analyzes the real case of Kaohsiung Dome through the summary of empirical data and in-depth interview materials, and demonstrates the application of the cultural ecosystem service innovation (CESI) model to effectively improve the venue management, and to achieve the sustainable development of innovative service systems in order to create shared value and enhance benefits for urban development, franchise company operations, and quality of public services.
The theory and strategy of the successful application of CESI model in the management of PPP multifunctional stadiums. In this case, the cumulative graph of opera-tion statistics shows considerable growth, which verifies the validity of CESI model applied in the management direction of multifunctional stadiums. It urges the government, enterprises and the public to give positive feedback to achieve the goal of sustainable development and to move towards the development of international cities. In the future, CESI management model will be expanded to be an all-round necessary application program of construction planning, design, construction and operation management in government PPP public infrastructure. The PPP-CESI model can be a pol-icy tool for urban public infrastructure construction and management.