本論文以浪漫樂派後期法國作曲家穆給 (Jules Mouquet,1867-1946) 的《潘神之笛》(La Flûte de Pan, Op.15) 長笛奏鳴曲為研究主題,筆者聽到這一首作品時,就深深的被他旋律所吸引,因此激發筆者研究這首作品的意圖。
The purpose of the study is to investigate La Flûte de Pan Op.15, written by Jules Mouquet (1867-1946), a late romantic French composer. Since the melody of this work is deeply attractive, it piqued my interests and intentions to survey this work.
The thesis is divided into five chapters of research, and it includes: the first chapter is the illustration of the author’s motivations and goal, method and the field of research.
The second chapter is the introduction of the composer’s biography and his work, as well as the background of La Flûte de Pan op15. It can be simply explained by the composer’s biography and his main features in the work during the Romantic period.
The third chapter is the analysis of the sonata and elaborate the structure of the harmony, the motive of the musical elements and its harmonic progression.
The fourth chapter is to present the interpretation of music in the performance.
The final chapter is the conclusion of the sonata.