本研究之目的在於探討服用「本草發酵液」28天對運動員體重、體脂肪及腰圍之影響。受試者為14位中國文化大學技擊運動暨國術學系甲組國術代表隊過重運動員,平均年齡為25.021.53 ± 9.761.56歲,平均身高173.07±4.00公分,平均體重為83.39±14.20公斤,但因其中一位受試者年紀較高,故將剔除其實驗數據,以免影響實驗結果。本實驗無對照組,每位受試者於開始飲用本草發酵液前一天測量身體組成指數(in-body)及腰圍,之後服用28天本草發酵液,於每天早上八點及晚間七點半進食前服用,其服用量為25ml,以一比五加入白開水飲用,期間生活作息照常,飲用習慣維持不變,不做大幅度改變,並於第28天服用結束後隔天測量身體組成指數(Iin-body)。所得資料已成對樣本t檢定進行分析,以α ≤ 0.05為顯著差異。結果發現14位受試者在服用28天本草發酵液後體重、體脂肪均有減輕並減少腰圍,證明本草發酵液能夠協助運動員減輕體重、體脂肪並降低腰圍。
The purpose of this study is to understand the effect of drinkingtaking "herbal fermentesFermentes Herbal Enzymes" for 28 days on professional athlete's weight, body fat and waist circumference. The subjects are 134 males who are overweight athletes and major in Chinese Culture University. The average age is 215.530 ± 1.569.76 years, the average height is 173.07 ± 4.00cm, and the average weight was 83.39 ± 14.20kg, but one of these subjects is older, so the experimental data will be eliminated to avoid affecting the experimental results. In this experiment, there is no control group. Each subject measured in-body and waist circumference the day before the start of drinking the Ferment Herbal Enzymesherbal fermentation, and then take the Ferment Herbal Enzymes for 28 days and then drink at 8 am and 7:30 in the evening. Take it before, the dosage is 25ml, add boiled water to drink at a ratio of one to five, during the daily life and routine as usual, drinking habits remain unchanged, without major changes, and the body composition index is measured every other day after the end of the 28th day (In-body). The data obtained have been analyzed in pairs of t tests, with α ≤ 0.05 as the significant difference. The results showed that 134 subjects lost weight and body fat and reduced waist circumference after taking the 28-day Fermentes Herbal Enzymesherbal fermentation. We can say that herbal fermentationFermentes Herbal Enzymes can help athletes lose weight, body fat and lower waist circumference.