近年來全球暖化已經成為國際關注的焦點,因此建築外層如何降低能耗及隔絕戶外環境因子,成為重要的議題。如果可以從建築外層先做好構造與材料的選擇,不僅可以有效的降低建築物外殼耗能量ENVLOAD(Envelope Load(kWh/(㎡yr)),以下簡稱(ENVLOAD),還能對節能減碳有很大的貢獻。
In recent years, global warming has become the focus of international attention. How to design buildings that require less energy consumption and that effectively insulate external environmental factors has also become an important topic of discussion. Selecting appropriate structures and materials for building exteriors can not only reduce the envelope energy load (ENVLOAD) but also contribute to significant carbon footprint reduction.
Through literature review, it became apparent that ENVLOAD is one of the fundamental energy consumption indices for buildings in Taiwan. According to the Design and Technical Directions for Energy Saving of Buildings promulgated by the government, there are a variety of factors that can affect ENVLOAD estimation. Therefore, the purpose of the present study is to explore the underlying factors of ENVLOAD estimation and determine which of the exterior-related factors contribute more significantly to the overall ENVLOAD. Through case studies of domestic office buildings, the author analyzed the relevant building exterior factors using the standard as well as the simplified method and identified the following key factors of ENVLOAD: areas of openings (Ai), thermal conductivity (Ui), shine-through rates of glass materials (ηi), and shading coefficients (ki). After running a multiple regression analysis, the author presents the statistical results in figures and tables in order to clearly identify and explain the key factors of ENVLOAD in every aspect of architectural openings. These factors will, in turn, inform the selection of suitable structures and materials for building exteriors that lower the overall ENVLOAD. It is the author’s wish that the findings of the present study can serve as a reference for future architectural designs of building exteriors.