為協助彌平無人商店實務與研究上的缺口,本論文參酌現行無人商店服務要項及營運特性歸納出22個服務品質要素,並採用二維品質模型(Kano Model),作為本論文分析及研究基礎。而透過313份有效回收樣本的分析發現,可推論現階段的無人商店市場反應較差,無法吸引約有三分之二的受訪者使用。因此,要如何提供適切誘因,先吸引消費者的注意,才是最重要的事。
With the increasingly fierce competition in the retail industry, the giants and innovative companies in this sector have shaped the development of unmanned stores. However, it is surprising that the growth pace of unmanned stores is far below the market expectation so far; as well, limited number of academic research pays its focus on this issue, thus resulting in a significant gap between the trhoey and the practice.
To help bridge the above-mentioned gap, this thesis aims to conduct a survey based on the Kano Model, with 22 elements relevant to service quality and technology rreadiness being covered. Through the analysis on the data receiving from 313 respondants, the following findings can be drawn: (1) about two-thirds of the respondents have no experience on unmanned stores usage; (2) "grab and go" and "checkout with face scanning" are the only two items regarded as attractive quality factors; and (3) as for the other items being addressed by the literature, most of them are categorized as either one-dimensional quality factors or indifferent quality factors. Therefore, it is suggested that in the future, in terms of consumer service design or optimization, the two elements categorized as attractive quality types may be used as the starting point for innovative service and process design.