摘要: | 行銷學之父菲利浦‧科特勒(Philip Kotler)所談的行銷 4.0加入了更多網路的要素,因為現在人們重度使用社群網站,行銷方式已經難以靠自己單打獨鬥搶市占或花錢買廣告等方式,更有效率的做法是借助群眾的力量,幫你宣傳、說好話,並找到「關鍵族群」啟動這群品牌擁護者,而這個「關鍵族群」就是「意見領袖」 (Key Opinion Leader,簡稱KOL),通常能成為意見領袖,代表他在特定專業領域、各種議題群眾中,有發言權及強大影響力的人。
「訂閱」是老早就已存在的商業模式,但隨著企業走向數位轉型,以往產品的銷售模式也開始出現變化。全球前三大企業微軟、蘋果和亞馬遜都正全力發展訂閱制,不過從「免費」切換到「付費」訂閱,往往最重要的是有多少忠誠消費者會願意跟隨、認同業者所提供的「價值」需要付費。就消費行為而言,價值是決定個人選擇及行為表現的關鍵因素,當消費者評估獲得的價值越高時,對於服務提供者會有越高的忠誠度(Sirdeshmukh et al. 2002),Farquhar & Rowley(2006)更指出消費者對社群的認同與忠誠取決於社群所能創造的價值。
本研究採取問卷調查法,並使用 SPSS19.0 統計套裝軟體為分析工具,所使用的統計分析方法包括敘述性統計分析、信度分析、簡單相關係數分析、複迴歸分析等,樣本資料問卷發放期間為 2019/03/29 至 2019/04/30共30天,以網路問卷進行填答。本研究總共回收 492份網路問卷,剔除無效問卷後,有效樣本為 392 份。
經過彙整研究分析結果後,整理出本研究結論,社群意識對於使用者付費訂閱意願有顯著正向的影響,但「知覺價值」對於「社群意識」與「付費訂閱意願」僅具有部份的中介效果,其原因可能為每個人對價值的定義不同,付費訂閱與否不僅僅只是因為價值高低,可能還包含了其他娛樂、新奇、功能性等因素。而平台之信任程度越高,並沒有顯者干擾社群使用者付費意願的高低。其原因可能在於台灣免費及付費訂閱的分別,並沒有太顯著的差異,雖然付費訂閱可以觀看頻道額外獎勵內容,像是頻道正式影片剪掉的素材、不定期會員專屬直播、會員專屬文章等,而台灣在 2019年1月剛加入了付費會員訂閱的行列,付費制才正在起步階段,使用者目前還停留在考慮訂閱與否的階段,思考著是否要加入會員,尚未深入到平台信任度的問題,這可能是之後未來研究可以深入探討的領域。
Marketing 4.0, which was discussed by Philip Kotler, the father of modern mar-keting, added more elements of the Internet because now that people use social net-working sites heavily. It is difficult for them to rely on themselves for market share alone, or spend money on advertising. A more efficient way is to use the power of the masses to help promote, speak well, and find "key person" to launch this community of brand advocates. This "key person" is the "opinion leader" (Key Opinion Leader, KOL for short), who can usually be an opinion leader, on behalf of him or her in a specific field of expertise, a variety of topics, person who has a say and powerful influence.
“Subscription” is a traditional business model that has been adopted for a long time. But as enterprises are undergoing digital transformation, the marketing models have begun to change. All the three top global enterprises – Microsoft, Apple and Ama-zon are striving to develop a subscription system. However, if a “free” subscription is changed into a “paid” one, what matters the most is how many loyal consumers will continue the subscription and agree that the “value” offered by enterprises needs to be paid. As consumer behaviour is concerned, value is a key factor that determines personal choice and behavioural performance. If a consumer obtains a higher degree of value in his/her evaluation of a service, he/she will develop stronger loyalty to the service supplier (Sirdeshmukh et al. 2002) , Farquhar and Rowley (2006) also argued that consumers’ acceptance of and loyalty to a community relied on the value created by the community.
This study aims to find out if the community awareness and perceived value of Key Opinion Leader (KOL) community channel users influence their intention of paying for subscription and to explore if their trust in the platforms that require premiums will affect the intention. After sorting out the results of the analysis, this study has come to the conclusion that more trust in the platforms does not have significant impacts on community users’ intention of paying for subscription. The possible reason for this is that there is no marked difference between free and paid subscription in Taiwan. With paid subscription, users can have an access to bonus contents in the channels, such as the contents that are cut from an officially-released film and the subscriber-only webcasts or articles released on an irregular basis. But these contents are usually appealing to the users who are fans rather than those who are average ones.
For a KOL, what is important is to be clear about his/her distinctive features and the platforms suitable for him/her, because different platforms are home to different people. It is believed that only customized operation will lead to the value of greatest influence. |