目的:探討軍事院校學生體能及戰技訓練之成效。方法:以國防大學106年畢業班學生為研究對象(男:n=133、女:n=45),使用SPSS for windows 18.0中文套裝軟體進行描述統計及相依樣本t檢定,分析102年至106年體能(2分鐘仰臥起坐、2分鐘俯地挺身及3000公尺徒手跑步)及戰技(500公尺障礙超越及手榴彈基本投擲)成效。結果:國防大學106年畢業班學生3項基本體能測驗,各項平均表現優於合格標準。結論:國防大學106年畢業班學生基本體能合格率及表現逐年提升,並於畢業前合格率達100%,唯戰技項目中,手榴彈基本投擲項目表現較弱,未來將針對該項目持續精進所需技巧及體能素質,以提升軍校生手榴彈基本投擲表現,以強化部隊戰力。
Purpose: The purpose of this study was to explore the effectiveness of physical fitness training for the National Defense University's cadets (male: n = 133, female: n = 45). Methods: Using SPSS for windows 18.0 Chinese version of the software package, using statistical analysis and dependent sample t-test to analyze its physical fitness from 102 to 106 years (2 minutes sit-up, 2 minutes push up and 3000 meters run) and combat skills (500 meter obstacle-race and basic grenade throwing). Results: The performance of the basic physical fitness tests of the National Defense University's cadets who graduated in 2017 was better than the physical fitness standards. Conclusion: The qualification rate and performance of the basic physical fitness of the National Defense University's cadets who graduated in 2017 have been increasing year by year, and the rate has reached 100% in 2017 years. However, the basic throwing performance of grenades is weak. In the future, the skills and physical qualities required for the project will be continuously improved to enhance the basic throwing performance of military grenade to strengthen the combat strength of the military.