本文主旨在於探討聖保羅和王陽明之良知觀,以求儒家與耶教會通之道。探討之 進路則以神秘主義觀點切入。文分二部份:一、聖保羅:良心為上帝之聲音;二、王陽明: 良知之光照。但為彰顯聖保羅之良知觀,則追溯西方良知觀之源頭,而以四小節:(一)西 方希臘時期之良知觀,(二)西方羅馬時期之良知觀,(三)在舊約聖經中之良知觀,(四 )聖保羅之良知觀,明其演變。至於王陽明良知觀則分從三層面:(一)良知之昭明朗現, (二)良知即本心之虛靈明覺,(三 ) 良知與天地萬物為一體,加以闡揚。本文探求之結果 ,終得二聖人良知觀之特色,五二者良知之悟,實可交流會通。以聖保羅之良心為上帝的聲 音契合王陽明良知為虛靈明覺之光照,應是中西文化溝通的大橋樑。
This paper is an inquiry into the mystical concept of conscience in St.Paul and Wang Yang-ming. It aims at finding a link between Confucianism and Christianity and is approached from the point of view of mysticism. The thesis consists of two parts: (1) St. Paul: conscience as the voice of God; (2) Wang Yang-ming: the illumination of conscience. In order to understand St.Pauls view of conscience it is traced to three points of origin: the concept of conscience in the Hellenic, Roman, and old Testments's periods. The concept of conscience in Wang Yang-ming is considered in three aspects, namely, the embodiment of conscience, the contemplation of conscience and the union of conscience and the cosmos. Finally I come to the following conclusion: the concept conscience in St.Paul and Wang Yang-ming bridge the gap between Confucianism and Christianity.