近幾年來,由於社會結構的改變、資訊的發達、再加上開放風氣的推波助瀾,我們隨時隨地接觸到的都常是些新詞、新語,這些新詞、新語不但豐富我們日常說話的詞彙,也幫助我們跟著觀察周遭環境的變化。 本文即嘗試對近年來在臺灣社會應運而生,騰諸眾口的流行語做分類探討。
In recent years due to the change of the social structure, the rapid development of various mass communications, and the open social atmosphere, newly created words and phrases sprout like mushrooms. These new words and phrases not only enriches our daily vocabulary but also imply the changes of our social and culture environment. This article tries to sort and to discuss the various popular new words and phrases prevail in today's Taiwan.