摘要: | Ⅰ.西蒙.波娃的風格及其女性主義思想 存在主義之簡略定義:在絕對的自由中實現自我。法國存在主義女作家西蒙.波娃在其名著《第二性》中如此提問:「婦女在從屬地位中如何使自己實現為『人』﹖」她用簡潔的風格,巧妙的論斷提出三個論點: 1. 婦女已爭取到投票權,但光憑投票權無法促成男女平等。 2. 若無經濟獨立作為輔佐,投票權只能淪為抽象。 婦女必須工作才能經濟自主,否則只是現代的女奴。 3. 婦女若在歧視女性的資本主義社會中工作,仍然無法獲得完善的解放。 若要確保自身真正的、全然的拯救,婦女必須有政治信仰,也就是說,在社會主義社會中鬥爭。 Ⅱ. 莫妮克.朗日的《沙灘上的更衣室》中的傳統與現代 從結構上來說,《沙灘上的更衣室》是真正的現代小說,因為並非有情節的故事。 書中只有唯一的人物 -- 一位少婦,她沒有姓名、家世、社會地位,讀者只知道她結婚了兩次,也離婚了兩次;她生病了,需要去海邊接受治療,她在海灘上追憶往事,就是她的回憶構成書的內容。然而從風格上來說,作者使用各種修辭法,如意象、隱喻、擬人法、反襯法。那些修辭法卻是現代小說家不屑一顧的。我們的結論是,在《沙灘上的更衣室》一書中,法國當代女作家莫妮克.朗日作成了傳統與現代之平衡。
Ⅰ.On Simone de Beauvoir's style and feminist ideology Existentialism can be briefly defined as realizing oneself in absolute liberty. The proposed passage taken from Simone de Beauvoir's The Second Sex is written precisely according to existentialist moalism: how a woman in her subordinate condition can establish herself as a human being ﹖ In a sober style and skillful argumentation, Simone de Beauvoir (1908-1986), famous French feminist writer, studies the problem of women in advancing three theses: modern feminine vassal, liberating work, socialism as effective salvation of women. 1.The author begins with the affirmation that such civil right as voting is not enough to enable women to bcome the equals of men. 2.The civil right remains abstract if not accompanied by economic independence which can be made possible only by work. Without work a woman remains a modern vassal, continues the feminist writer. 3.However, work in a capitalist society does not constitute perfect liberation. In order to ensure their real and complete salvation, women should have political faith, that is to struggle in a socialist society, concludes the famous woman writer. Ⅱ.Traditionalism and modernism in Monique Lange's The Bathing Houses Judged from the structural point of view, The Bathing Houses is a real modern novel because it's not a well told story with a rigorous plot. There is only one personage in the book, a young woman. She is anonymous, with neither family background nor social position. We only know that she married twice, was divorced twice, has a daughter, is sick and needs to follow a treatment on the seashore. There she met an old man, had intimate relations with him and is separated from him pretty soon. On the beach, she ruminates her past, her reminiscences constitute the content of the novel. From the stylistic point of view, the author resorts ot various figures of speech looked down upon by New Novelists, such as image, personification, metaphor and antithesis. We conclude that in The Bathing Houses Monique Lange, a French contemporary woman writer, has achieved a good equilibrium between traditionalism and modernism. |