本文研究女性真正的愛情宣言在於如何爭取心靈高潮。康妮的心路歷經了肉體上 飢渴,社會的不平,終於自我解放了束縛而達到心靈的滿足,這超脫了肉體感官的慾望。換 言之,在肉體滿足同時,心靈更進一步地追求幸福、希望與新生命。
This paper focuses upon the female love declaration - spiritual orgasm over physical orgasm. This is not contradictory to that. It is a mirror of the female selfawareness not only for the physical gratification, but also for the spiritual happiness. Connie achieves it through a series of conflicts - the physical journey, the social journey, and the spiritual journey. Her love declaration puts emphasis on the internal peace, on the spiritual happiness, and on the pursuit of the hope.