詩一直是音樂家的靈感泉源,但是十八世紀時,器樂曲的優越氣勢讓音樂家將詩 束之高閣,要到十九世紀,音樂家才又重新將詩融入生活及音樂創作之中。本篇文章闡述了 詩對李斯特相德布西的影響,並解析詩與音樂之間錯綜複雜的關係。
Poetry has always been a source of inspiration for musicians.After the 18th century, when the supremacy of instrumental music had led musicans to drop their interest for poetry, they started again to include poetry in their lives and compositions. This article describes the attitude of Liszt and Debussy towards poetry and analyses the interaction between poetry and music.