本文<女性╱男性語言使用法--老套的模式化觀點誤導了我們>是想探討男性及 女性在寫作文風上是否有任何重大差異性,以及我們對於女性寫作文風的觀點是否根基於一 些老套的模式或觀點。我試圖自形容詞、副詞、被動式動詞、加強語以及修飾與等方面的使 用情形來探討。自我所收集的七十二篇文章中發現在副詞、形容詞以及被動式動詞等方面, 男女性並無重大不同處。然而在加強語及修飾詞的使用方面,我確實發現不同之處。老套的 模式化觀點認為女性在溝通上比男性使用更多的加強語,然而在我的研究,卻顯示出相反的 情形,既是女性比男性使用較少的加強語和修飾詞。
The main idea in "Female/Male Language: Our Stereotypes Are Misleading Us" was to discover if there are any significant differences in the writing styles of female and male first year composition students or if our ideas about women's writing are based on stereotypes. Following research by Lakoff, Hiatt, Keene, Warshay, Kramerae and others, I tested for adjective, adverb, passive verb, intensifier, and qualifier use. My study involved samples of approximately 208-209 words each from an information and an event paper written by eighteen women and eighteen man. After counting features in my samples from seventy-two papers, I concluded that there was no significant statistical difference between the women and men's use of adverbs, adjectives, and passive verbs. However, in the use of intensifiers and qualifiers, I did find significant difference. A stereotype exists that women use more intensifiers in their communication than men. My study shows that the reverse is true. The women in my study used only thirty-nine intensifiers and qualifiers compared to the sixty-two used by men.