拜倫的<唐.璜>是一位成熟詩人的傑作。在這長篇諷刺詩中,拜倫以浪漫反諷 手法揭發罪惡、虛偽、和種種謬誤,促使世界一反傳統而改變。具有藝術氣質,多才多藝的 浪漫反諷詩人,展現豐富的想像力及永續的創作力,自由機巧的掌控詩句的脈動。正如一位 唯美主義者,拜倫成功的創造獨特的詩風和法則,臻致理性批判與藝術感性和諧的浪漫諷刺 詩意境。
Byron's Don Juan contributes to the impression of a mature mind. In Don Juan, Byron is able to quality as a romantic ironist for he skillfully puts romantic irony into practice to uncover all kinds of vices, hypocrisies, and absurdities. His romantic aspiration of improving the world through Don Juan is unquestionably obvious. Byron, a free manipulator with the high level of artistic temperament, shows extraordinarily rich imagination and perfectly unlimited play of his creativeness of art. Like an aesthete, Byron successfully achieves a balance between sane criticism and romantic sensibility by generating his own rules and poetic genre.