一九一九(大正八)年,臺灣總督府公佈了第一次臺灣教育令,確立了臺灣人之 學校制度。然而,此教育令之規定範圍,僅以臺灣人為對象,就學年限與課程內容等,均無 法與日本人學校相較,亦無法相互銜接。因此,第一次臺灣教育令,被批評是為「集差別教 育之大成」。受到第一次世界大戰後之民族自決主義風潮影響,同一九一九年十月,臺灣總 督由武官改為文官擔任。隨即,極少數的臺灣人子弟開始獲准就讀日本人學校,享有與日本 人子弟共同學習之特權。一九二二(大正十一)年,總督府為了解決日臺學生共同學習之問 題,改定了臺灣教育令。依此,在臺日本人與臺灣人之教育體系結合為一。本論文著重於中 等教育課程之研究。除了探討第二次臺灣教育令中,有關於中等教育制度與教育內容改定的 始未,分析日臺共同學習政策之目的與意義之外,並將共同學習政策前後之中等教育課程內 容之變化,做一詳細分析。藉此,證實臺灣教育令之改定,是否真為總督府所評價之「打破 以往在臺日本人與臺灣人的差別教育,達到了教育上完全均等之地步」。
In 1919, the Taiwan governor-general government promulgated the First Taiwan's Educational Command. It established firmly that Taiwanese's education system. This decree was only directed against Taiwanese. To compare with Japanese's school system, there wasn't able to link or to connect with Japanese's school even in curriculum or in the period of schooling. So, the First Taiwan's Educational Command has been commented as "To be a comprehensive expression of difference education". By the influence of the national consciousness after World War I, the Taiwan governor-general had been took over from military officer to a civil service at October 1919. Then few of Taiwanese's juniors got the permission to study in Japanese's school. They got the benefit of privilege that they could study with Japanese. In order to solve the problem that Japanese and Taiwanese studied together, the Taiwan governor-general government reformed the educational decree for Taiwanese in 1922. Then Japanese in Taiwan and Taiwanese's education system had been combined into one policy. In this study, it attached importance to the secondary education curriculum research. It probed into the whole story about the Second Taiwan's Educational Command in secondary education system. It had also analyzed the meaning that Japanese in Taiwan and Taiwanese studied together. By the way, to improve that was that true when Taiwan governor-general government estimated that "That policy had been destroyed the unequal system of education between Japanese in Taiwan and Taiwanese and it had come to equal in full agreement in education'.