甲午戰爭,清朝戰敗,求和日本。於是締結「下關條約」,自此失去臺灣五十年 。臺灣總督府於一八九五年四月十七日宣佈始政,學務部於同年七月五日設立芝山岩學堂, 從事日本語教育。 對日本而言,是第一次以外國人為對象的日語教育的嘗試。對臺灣而言,是第一次接受外國 語教育的經驗。當時日本老師是怎麼教的呢?用什麼教材呢?據查教學法係根據<日本語教 授書>之教學原則施教,教科書則使用<新日本語言集甲號>之會話內容授課。其中<日本 語教授書>遺失甚久,數年前才在臺北師範學院被尋找到(藏書號碼 6478-4318-4322 )。 筆者根據<日本語教授書>之內容加以研究,始得解決了下列幾點疑問:(1)本書為何發 行日有明治二十八年十一月十六日,以及明治二十八年八月三十日兩種說法?(2)本書之 主編者究竟是六氏老師或伊澤修二?(3)<日本語教授書>與<新日本語言集甲號>之間 的關係如何?(4)本書在臺灣日語教育史上的意義如何等問題(最近中央圖書館別館亦影 印得到該書-藏書號碼 261151,佩服別館工作人員的敬業精神,特此一提)。
Suffering defeat and seeking peace with Japan in the Sino-Japanese War of the year 1894, the Ch'ing Dynasty concluded the Treaty of Shimonoseki with Japan and lost the sovereignty of Taiwan for fifty years. In 1895, the Japanese Headquarters of Viceroy in Taiwan (總督府 ) announced to govern Taiwan on the seventeenth of April, and the Japanese Ministry of Education (學務部 ) establish the Jishanyan School (芝山岩學堂 ) on fifth of July to teach Taiwanese Japanese. For Japan, it was the first trial of teaching foreigners Japanese while it was first time for Taiwanese to acquire experience of being taught a foreign language. How did Japanese teachers at that time taught? What was their teaching material? According to the verification, their teaching methods based on the teaching principles in Nihongo Kiogyusio (日本語教授書 ) which was lost for a long time and was found out in National Taipei Teacher college (臺北師範學院 ) several years ago (6478-4318-4322), and their textbook was Sin Nihon Gogensyu (新日本語 言集甲號 ). Analyzing the content of Nihongo Kiogyusio (日本語教授書 ), the author can work out the following questions such as "Why are there two senior editor of this book The Japanese Six Teachers (六氏老師 ) or Izawasyugi (伊澤修二 )?" "What is the relation between Nihongo Kiogyusio (日本語教授書 ) and Sin Nihon Gogensyu ( 新日本語言集甲號 )?" "What is the significance of the history of teaching Japanese in Taiwan?" Admiring the staff, which respects their work, of the separate of the Center Library, I would like to propose the fact that they have collected and kept Nihongo Kiogyusio (日本語教授書 ) by making a copy of it recently (261151).