摘要: | 文化交流史的研究,如同外交史、關係史般,風來被視為國際交流史的一環。 提及中日文化交流史,其歷史長達二千年之久,更涵蓋了典籍、人物、文學、藝術、宗教、 思想、民俗等多重範疇的領域。 一般而言,典籍之廣義解釋除了經書佛典之外,舉凡 繪畫、書法、建築、雕刻、印刷 、音樂十天文、曆算、醫學、律令、詩詞、風俗、生活習慣、節慶活動、產業技術等均在其 列。人物則包括了使節、留學生、學問僧、禪師、儒者、教育家、外交官,甚至從事中日貿 易活動的商人、漂流人都會留下許多中日文化交流的事蹟。 一個國家的文化發展及進步,常因受外來文化衝擊而有所影響。而日本這個國家,對 於外來文化的接受極具包容性,中日兩國的文化傳承與接觸,也因各個時代背景的不同,而 反映了各種變遷的文化特色。本文針對不同時代的中日人物往來及中國典籍東傳日本的實況 ,坦討中日文化交流之經緯。 本文為筆者一九九八年五月十六日在日本奈良縣天理市立文化中心之「世界文化與日 本文化」系列演講(天理大學、天理市教育委員會十天理市立文化申心共同主辦)全文。
The history of cultural exchange, like that of diplomacy, contacts or relations, was studied in the past as only part of the history of international exchange. The history of cultural exchange between China and Japan, however, needs a special treatment, for it has a long history with its areas of exchange widely diversified. As its examples, the exchange of persons, books, literature, art, religion, thinking, folklore, and others could easily be cited. Books included various kinds of religious texts or scriptures and secular writings concerning different subjects of painting, architecture, calligraphy, sculpture, printing, music, astronomy, astrology, medince, law, Chinese poetry, folklore, living customs, annual events, and industrial technology. As for persons, exchange took place of diplomats, emissaries, students, scholarly monks, zen masters, Confucian scholars, teachers and educators, trading merchants, and even vagrants and pirates. The progress and development of culture are always made through close and frequent contacts with foreign culture. Ways of accepting foreign culture differ from country to country and also from period to period, creating distinct charactersitics. Although it may not be stated summarily, Japan is said to have been very generous towards foreign culture and gracefully displayed its broad-mindedness. This article aims at first introducing the long history of exchange, particulary through books and persons, between two East-Asican countries, Japan and China, throughout its ancient, medieval, modern, and pre-contemporary periods and then discussing the current states of affairs concerning academic and educational exchanges between present-day Taiwan and Japan. This article is a revised version of my lecture with some addition, which was first presented on May 16, 1988, as part of the 1998 ( Heisei 10) Tenri University Open Lecture Program and of the Lecture Series on "Cultures of the World and Japan" consponsored by Tenri University, Tenri City Committee on Education, and Tenri City Cultural Center. |