From the perspective of organicism, Thomé H. Fang concluded that the philosophy of the Book of Changes (Yi Jing) is a dynamic ontology and also a general theory of axiology. The philosophy of The Book of Changes addresses the origins and development of the concept of the "supreme good" from the perspective of all-comprehensive harmony. The interaction between Qian and Kun manifests birth on a great scale, birth on a vast scale, the principle of constant generation and the principle of "organic comprehension by analogy," while the principle of "organic comprehension by analogy" is also the principle of transformative nourishment. Bestowed with the virtue of constant generation by Qian and Kun, human nature gets to participate in the creative and nourishing process of time itself and assist in the transforming and nourishing process of Heaven and Earth to achieve the state of the supreme good. Informed by Thome H. Fang sketch of the features and characteristics of Chinese philosophy, this article pus in perspective the big picture of Fang's doctrine of change in the light of seven issues-the formation and methodology of The Book of Changes, the essential principle of temporality in Commentaries on the Book of Changes (Yi Juan) , the principle of constant generation, the principle of comprehension by analogy, the principle of transformative nourishment and the process of life-creation and value-fulfillment.