台灣本島變質岩佔3/4以上的面積,而且又以極低度至低度變質的硬頁岩、板岩分布面積最 廣,根據臺灣的地質分區,即所謂中央山脈西翼,中央山脈西翼包括了雪山山脈帶和脊樑山脈帶, 此地區岩性單調、地層層序不明、分布在不同時代的化石有限及連續沉積的岩層間缺少明顯的間 斷。 本計晝主要目的為透過岩象學及黏土礦物組成了解雪山山脈帶與脊樑山脈帶的岩層於空間 上所呈現的變質特徵,並以這些岩層的基本特徵來探討岩層之間是否呈現突變或者是以連續性變化為主。
The metamorphic rock has widely distribution in Taiwan, and composing of argillite and slate. In the Backbone Range and the Hsuehshan Range belts, there are the lithological succession, obscure stratigraphic sequence, restricted occurrence of fossils of different ages, and the apparent continuity of strata without distinct structural breaks. Therefore, this plan aims to apply the petrography and clay mineral assemblages of argillite and slate on the characteristics of metamorphic rock in the Hsuehshan and Backbone Range belts. The first one is to continuous collect rock and describe the outcrop. The second aspect is to analyze the petrography and clay minerals of metamorphic rock.