科技的變遷、網際網路及行動裝置的發展不僅提供了使用者所需的資訊,也強化了知識蒐集、整合等方法與途徑,改變閱聽人接收訊息的方式和型態。影音內容一躍成為網際網路中主流的資訊類型,也為我們理解資訊傳播和處理的過程帶來不同的挑戰。本研究從強調將多元資訊類型納入分析的多模態理論出發,觀察影音平台YouTube 中的影像聲音內容與傳統文字內容,在訊息結構安排和內涵上有何差異。本研究觀察自媒體YouTuber「囧星人」所創立之節目《囧說書》,藉由分析傳統以文字為主的書評資訊在文字媒介轉移至影像傳播媒介之下的發展及變化,瞭解資訊在媒體呈現上轉變之特點,也觀察在科技發展之下多模態模式在其中的變化。簡言之,本研究試圖理解影音平台之成功,探究不同的媒介平台如何影響資訊處理,在資訊呈現上又有什麼差異。
本研究採用多模態理論,針對文字書評與 YouTube 影音書評,挑選相同書目進行相互比較。影音相較於文字內容上可有更多資訊隨著科技的變遷,多模態中同時具有視覺及聽覺之內容,如同《冏說書》影音書評在畫面上加入各樣圖卡資訊,便於內容理解。《冏說書》最大的特點在內容訊息的多樣性及同時性,運用圖卡或字幕特效強調重點,透過加入不同顏色特效的字幕加強記憶,影音中出現的圖卡舒緩閱聽人對生硬學術性內容的吸收。而文字書評由於篇幅有限及線性閱讀的特性使然,內容上無法有多樣性樣貌。除了內容之多樣性,影音書評融入了對話式的互動感,有畫面之口語的一問一答較有表達力。在媒體迅速進步的時代下,閱聽人無法滿足於單單一種資訊,且希望花更少的時間來獲取更多的資訊或是從中得到趣味,透過分析文字與影音書評這兩種方式的比較,對於數位資訊處理的發展過程及媒體生態有更深刻的認識。
affects information processing in different media platforms, and in information presentation. This study uses the multimodal theory of text analysis to select the same bibliography for comparison between text book reviews and YouTube video book reviews. Audio have more information than text content. Multimodality has both visual and auditory content, just as the " Kyon " audio book review adds various card iii information to the screen to facilitate content understanding. The biggest feature of The Storytelling is the diversity and simultaneity of content information. Emphasis is placed on the use of graphics cards or subtitle effects. The memory is enhanced by adding subtitles of different color effects. The graphics appearing in the audio and video are soothing and listening to people. Absorption of content. Because of the limited space and the characteristics of linear reading, the textbook review cannot have a variety of appearances. In addition to the diversity of content, audio-visual book reviews incorporate a conversational sense of interaction, and the questioning and answering of the spoken language is more expressive. In the era of rapid media advancement, readers cannot be satisfied with a single kind of information, and hope to spend less time to get more information or get interesting from it. By analyzing the comparison between text and audio-visual reviews, Have a deeper understanding of the development process of digital information processing and the media ecology.