The narrative legend "The White-haired Fairy" was circulating in the border region of Shanxi, Chahar and Hebei in 1930's. Chinese Communist Party (CCP) adapted the story for opera "The White-haired Girl" at the end of the World War II. During the civil war, CCP successfully took advantage of the opera to promote their morale and effectively to mobilize their troops. Besides opera, "The White-haired Fairy" has also been adapted for movies, Chinese opera, and ballet opera, etc. Although the plots are slightly different, the main part is still been hold. The whole story clarifies that the old society turned human into ghosts, yet, the new society turned ghost into human. The ballet opera "The White-haired Girl" especially highlights CCP's guiding principles of so-called "class struggle." Those adaptations from different times also represent CCP's view point of the art under varied environments and situations. Moreover, through those different forms of performances, CCP always reaped the harvest. This article aims at the research of following questions: Over the adaptation, is there any connection among Chinese Left-Wing Writers Union, Lu Xun Art Institute and the speech Mao Zedong gave on a forum Yan'an Art Institute? What are the impacts caused by the opera? And what are the gains and looses from the performances from the opera to the movies, to the dance drama and to the ballet?