摘要: | 宋代為雅學轉型變革之時期,此時期具有代表性的作品,應屬《爾雅翼》及《埤雅》二部作品。其中羅願所著之《爾雅翼》,王應麟讚其「體用相涵,本末靡遺」,《四庫全書總目提要》則曰:「其書考據精博,而體例謹嚴,在陸佃《埤雅》之上。」而該書有專釋蟲魚鳥獸草木名物,不釋詞彙,廣徵博引於群書之特點。其中徵引之書,多有散佚作品,如《字林》、《字書》、《字指》、《字說》、《埤蒼》、《古文字詁》等,皆為宋代以前字書,其中《字說》為王安石於文字學知識之展現,然該書於宋末因王安石政壇失勢而告散佚,為求窺探王安石文字相關之見解,故本文將依《爾雅翼》所引《字說》之說,逐一摘錄,再加以比對《說文》說解,並以加註案語方式加以探析其與《說文》之關係,希藉以了解王安石之字學理論之梗概。
The Song Dynasty was a transition period of "YA learning", "Er Ya Yi" and "Pi Ya" were the most representative works in this period. The "Er Ya Yi", which writte by LuoYuan, Wang Yinglin give it a commended that "It is both essential and practical, and detailed." As "Si ku Quan Shu Zong Mu Ti Yao" stated that his research is accurate and comprehensive, the stylistic rules and layout are rigorous in the book, so that is why it's better than Lu Dian's "Pi Ya" above. "In addition, this book is specialized in explaining fishes, birds, beasts and vegetation's names from books wihtout explaining vocabulary. there are many lost literatures as "Zi Lin", "Zi Shu", "Zi Zhi", "ZI Shuo", "PI Cang", "GU Wen Zi Gu" and so on among the cited books, and they are all before the Song Dynasty. "ZI Shu" is one of them which Wang Anshi displayed his knowledge of philology, However, it's lost and pass off in the end of the Song Dynasty, because of Wang Anshi losing his political power. This article is going to extract materials in "Er Ya Yi" which cited from "Zi Shuo", then compare to "Shuo Wen" to explore thier connections by annotating, furthermore, to realize the synopsis of Wang Anshi's theory of Word science. |