本研究的目的是根據消費者線上購物行為,以喚起為理論主軸,從無意識形態的單向度喚起模型中探討網站的背景顏色如何消費者的身理反應以及商品評估,共有兩個階段進行討論。首先是探討消費者如何在眾多平台中選定其一作為後續進入瀏覽並購買的平台。根據色彩與喚起間的相關文獻指出,紅色比起藍色能激起夠高的喚起程度(Küller et al., 2009),因此本研究認為當網頁背景顏色為紅色時,消費者的喚起程度會高於藍色背景的網頁。且過去研究已證實,喚起對記憶存在正向影響,高喚起的刺激比起低喚起刺激能產生更強的記憶,亦即喚起程度越高,記憶程度也為之提高(Kroeber-Riel, 1979)。因此本研究進一步推論,消費者對紅色背景之平台的記憶表現應會優於藍色背景之平台。第二個階段的議題則是根據喚起一致性理論,探討購物網站的背景色彩與產品本身具備之喚起程度的一致性對產品評估之影響。根據一致性理論,本研究認為當購物網站的背景色彩所刺激的喚起程度與產品本身之喚起程度一致時,相對於不一致,消費者會對產品有更正向的反應與評估,且在有購買意圖的情境下,可進而提升對產品的購買意願。 為了驗證上述之觀點,本研究採用實驗室實驗法,操弄平台之背景顏色(暖色系-紅;冷色系-藍)以及產品的喚起程度(高喚起產品與低喚起產品),並衡量喚起程度、記憶、態度,以及購買意圖。其中,喚起的衡量是透過生理回饋儀-膚電反應(GSR)進行量測。不同於過去研究以自我報告方式衡量喚起程度,膚電反應是以心理生理指標測量個體在接受刺激物當下的生理反應,是較為客觀且直接的方式。
This study is based on unconscious unidirectional arousal model to discuss how background color of online shopping website influence consumer's physiological responses and product evaluation. The discussion has two stages. The first stage is to discuss the influence of background color of website on arousal. According to previous studies, red color induces higher level of arousal than blue color (Küller et al., 2009). Thus, we propose that the website with red color background increase more consumer arousal, compare to the website with blue color background. We also infer that red color background can stimulate better memory toward the website than blue color background can does according to prior research which suggested that memory of high arousal tends to be better than memory of low arousal (Kroeber-Riel, 1979). The second stage is based on arousal congruency theory to discuss how the arousal congruence between background color of website and product attribute influences product evaluation. We infer that compare to the congruity situation, the incongruity situation increase consumers’ attitude toward the brand and product, and also increase purchasing intention. To verify the hypotheses, a laboratory experiment method was used to manipulate background color of website (red and blue) and arousal level of product (high and low arousal). Dependent variables such as arousal, memory, attitude and purchasing behavior will be measured in this study. Especially, instead of using self-report to measure arousal level, this study uses Galvanic Skin Response (GSR) device to measure physiological responses; this is more objective and direct way to detect change in natural reaction.