本計畫主要研究吐蕃晚期的重要人物,目的在於建立唐代吐蕃的人物志。本計畫研究的對象為吐蕃晚期,出任墀德松贊朝(798-815)以及墀祖德贊朝(815-836)之首席宰相沒盧尚綺心兒達囊(vBro zhang khri sum rje stag snang),任期自810-836年,長達27年,是為吐蕃實施眾相制度以來,任期最長的一位首席宰相。尚綺心兒於吐蕃晚期對內對外政策之擬訂與推動實踐,扮演非常重要的角色。包括對內持續推動佛教信仰,平穩國內局勢,對外在絕不失去片土寸地的原則下,致力於與周邊諸國保持和平關係,特別是與李唐。因此欲掌握吐蕃晚期的內外總體態勢,以尚綺心兒為中心所做的研究,將有助於釐清究竟吐蕃曾否建立王室外戚掌控吐蕃官僚體系的疑問,此乃攸關吐蕃王朝內部結構與政治生態的重要論題,將因研究尚綺心兒在首席宰相任內的作為而獲得解答。本計畫將依據吐蕃碑銘、敦煌古藏文卷子以及漢史料所載,以藏語文知識及史學方法,從事吐蕃重要人物的研究。
This research plan belongs to the Ancient Tibetan figures area ofresearch, the research plan discusses vBro zhang khri sum rje stag snang, whowas from A.D. nineth century and is an important figure directing the Tibet political situation and the Sino-Tibetan relationships during T’ang period. Zhang khri sum rje is a critical figure about whether Tibet dynasty once established the zhang lon system of rule by maternal relatives or not. With such a study on Zhang khri sum rje, we willhave the core situation of Tibet during the nineth century in hand, it is worthinvestigating.This plan lets Tibet-based inscription, Dunhuang ancient documents,Chinese Historical Literature and Documents and Classical TibetanHistorical Literature, with Tibetan language knowledge and historical studies method, allowing the research of important Tibet figures,expanding to Tibetan historiography .