季娜·魯賓娜「科爾多瓦的白鴿」中隱喻之功能特點 — 以概念隱喻及概念融合理論探析季娜·魯賓娜為近代俄羅斯最受歡迎的作家之一,「科爾多瓦的白鴿」是一部結合冒險犯罪、家族歷史、親情、友情與愛情的小說。作家運用精闢生動的詞語串聯,清新獨特的隱喻意象,使作品內涵豐富精深。本計畫擬探討隱喻模式的映射布局,系統性的呈現場域間認知結構模式,建立隱喻模式的類型,並分析作家蘊含的藝術思維與內在精神向度,體現在擇選修辭用語上所展現的強大感染力。本計畫研究主題為「科爾多瓦的白鴿」作品中隱喻特點,藉由語料分析,闡釋文本各類隱喻模式,並統整貫穿作品的主題隱喻。研究主題分為五部分: 第一部分:概念隱喻及概念融合的理論研究第二部分:「科爾多瓦的白鴿」作品背景與主要架構闡析第三部分:「科爾多瓦的白鴿」作品中的隱喻模式類型第四部分:「科爾多瓦的白鴿」作品中的文本隱喻功能第五部分 結論:「科爾多瓦的白鴿」作品中作家創作思想模式探析。
Functional characters of metaphor in Dina Rubina’s novel “The white dove of Cordova”- From the points of view of conceptual metaphor and conceptual blendingDina Rubina is one of the most popular writers in modern Russia. “The white dove of Cordova” is a novel regarded to Cordova, a painting appraiser, about his adventure, crime, family and love. Writer used vivid and brilliant words, fresh and unique metaphors to enrich her writing in this novel. This study focuses on mappings between different conceptual domains, renders the cognitive structure among the domains systematically, and unveils the functional characters of metaphor of novel “The white dove of Cordova”. Thereby, we can have deeper and clearer comprehension of the idiostyle of Rubina’s creation.By studying characters of metaphor in novel, it is anticipated that grasp of metaphor being used in this novel can be recognized. This study can be divided into five parts: Part1. Review of theories relative to the conceptual metaphor and conceptual blending.Part2. Analyses of the background and main structure of “The white dove of Cordova”.Part3. Categories of metaphors are been used in“The white dove of Cordova”.Part4. Analyses of functions of metaphor in“The white dove of Cordova”.Part5. Conclusion: the discussion of the idiostyle of Rubina’s creation.