季娜·魯賓娜「科爾多瓦的白鴿」小說中使用了極豐富的色彩詞彙,藉由色彩詞的描寫來造成讀者感官上的衝擊。小說中的畫作不僅串連情節,其敘述更透著鮮明的魯賓娜圖景。對色彩詞彙及寫畫進行探析,探究作家色彩擴展模式所創造出的意象,能有助於理解文本特點與作家個人創作風格。本計畫擬以兩年,三階段進行,研究重點為:第一年(第一階段)研究主題為「科爾多瓦的白鴿」作品中色彩詞彙的功能與特點,分析各色彩群的構成系統與交際功能,探析民族思維積澱下,作家風格的獨特性。第二年(第二階段):「科爾多瓦的白鴿」作品中灰階詞的功能與特點,灰階詞代表了光影變化中的兩個端點,與其間的無窮變化。此部分探究黑、灰、白對文本情節串連的含意,理解更深一層作者所塑造的內在。第二年(第三階段):「科爾多瓦的白鴿」作品中寫畫的探討,觀察作家將畫作以文字呈現,色彩的特徵,風格的擇取與畫作鋪陳,進而探析作家視覺藝術圖景。 綜整此三階段的研究,預計可以勾勒魯賓娜的色彩與寫畫風格,並據以探討文字所賦予讀者的視覺感受與想像。
Dina Rubina used tremendous number of words of color to excite her readers in her novel “The white dove of Cordova”. Different paintings mentioned in novel play key roles cohering scenes of novel, and the ekphrasis of those paintings in novel shows distinctive Rubina’s worldview. Study color words and the ekphrasis in novel, also the image created by those words and descriptions, will help us understand Rubina’s characters and style of writing.This project plans using two years, which divided into three parts, to study the topics mentioned as follows: The first year (first part): topics of study are the characters and functions of color words. This part of study analyzes the structure of groups of color words and their functions of communication, and uniqueness of write’s writing style which affected by the ethnic culture.The second year (second part): topics of study are the characters and functions of gray scale words. The gray scale is the infinite and continuous change of brightness between bright and dark. This part of study examines the characters and functions of words related to white, black and gray. The second year (third part) also focuses the ekphrasis in the novel. This part of study investigates the characters and functions of ekphrasis, and one step more, Rubina’s world view of visual arts.Based on results from three parts of studies, we shall able to establish a rough image of writer’s unique color view and the worldview of visual arts, and discuss further more about the interaction between Rubina and her readers established through the vision and image created by color words and ekphrasis in novel.