本論文嘗試考察發生自尼采且發揮於傅柯的系譜學操作,觀看他們在文本當中所分析的歷史、文化、宗教和道德的概念詮釋,以重新梳理和理解傅柯發展「牧民權力」(Pastoral Power)和「現代治理術」(Modern Governmentality)概念問題的梗概。事實上,1970 年之後的傅柯,其研究的方法開始轉向了系譜學,以《規訓與懲罰》一作為界,一直到他晚年的寫作,他都有大量運用系譜學方法來分析歷史及社會「權力」現象的研究蹤跡。在傅柯的後期思想當中,具體展現了「牧民權力」和「現代治理術」概念的系譜學分析成果,在《安全、領土與人口》(Security, Territory, Population, 1977~1978 年)講課稿的論述裡,以及〈全體與單一︰走向政治的理性批判〉(Omnes et Singulatim: Towards a Criticism of ‘Political Reason’,1979 年)與〈主體和權力〉(The Subject and Power, 1982 年)的文章當中,都透過了系譜學的方法,去探尋和分析了「牧民權力」施加於社會毛細血管之中的「權力」作用,以及其歷史發展的「知識」變遷,傅柯發現西方現代治理的技術,其內在的核心和組織的形式,是與「牧民權力」的概念緊密地扣連在一起的。筆者的努力即在於說明,從尼采揭發教士攫取「權力」手法的初始,到當代傅柯剖析「牧民權力」的效果歷史為止,該「權力」形式的實施流竄於個體和社會的作用之中,造成了極大政治的效應與迴響,它直接地促成了當代治理技藝的構思與建制,標示出了國家管治層面上「生命政治」(bio-politics) 的雛型。
因此,本論文綜觀尼采教士批判和傅柯論述「牧民權力」的作品,先是闡明「牧民權力」的意蘊,再從系譜學的功能與作用之上揭示「牧民權力」的效果歷史,最後則是通過「牧民權力」採取的規訓程序和其造成的「生命權力」的相關生產,來詮釋當代「生命政治」的生態和其政治層面的理解效應,在傅柯看來,國家是一種治理形式、是「權力」運作採用的新的合理性,透過「國家理性」(ratio status)的治理實踐,我們能夠在理解傅柯國家論述的同時,更進一步地理解「生命政治」的運作邏輯,從而深入到思考當今國家治理存在的現實問題。
This article attempts to reconstruct a comprehensive epistemological description of Foucauldian “Pastoral Power” and “Modern Governmentality” through a critical reexamination on the deployment of Foucault’s “genealogical”analysis— a historical method evoked from Friedrich Nietzsche’s Genealogy of Moral— on the perceptions on history, culture, religion and ethics. For this purpose, a comprehensive survey on the development of genealogy as a historical method will be conducted through close readings on the related texts by both Nietzsche and Foucault. In 1970, Foucault made a turn in his research methodology from an “archaeological” approach to the history of thought into a “genealogical” one. Foucaultdian genealogical analysis was first deployed in Discipline and Punish and since then became the core research model of Foucault’s later studies on various subjects, especially in the regard of history and power. In a number of his essays and lectures, Foucault has explicitly elucidated and developed the genealogies of “pastoral power” and “modern governmentality,” in which he discussed the effects of such power diffusion through the social network and the shift of its epistemology in history. Foucault argues that pastoral power is the core and backbone of modern governmentality. It is under this notion that this article elaborates and makes clear the relationship between the emergence of bio-politics and the formation of contemporary State art of governance.
Foucauldian genealogical analysis on the effective history of “pastoral power”will be closely scrutinized and served as a contextual background for the subsequent discussion on the connection between the two subjects of discussion. In Focauldian sense, the techniques and art of State governance is the deployment of a new justification on the operation of power through ratio status. Foucault’s discourse on State governance clearly reveals the structural order behind the operation of biopolitics. This article contends that it is from this point of departure, wider scope of further and in-depth discussion on the practicality of contemporary State governance is made possible.