摘要: | 目的:分析2017年世界大學運動會柔道男子組選手,在比賽獲勝時間、得分技術和得分等級的分佈與差異情形。方法:在研究對象上,是以參加 2017 年世界大學運動會柔道男子組 66 個國家, 230 位選手,所進行的 316 場對戰賽程為對象,統計方法採用雙母群體Z檢定,三個母群體兩兩相互比較是否有差異,顯著水準定為p<.05。結果:1.在獲勝時間方面:在整體表現上是落在3-4分鐘之間。2.在得分技術方面:首先在整體表現上是以足技得分,佔34%,得分比例最高、其次則為寢技,佔21%和手技佔21%;在差異比較中,在手技部分,中量級組23%與重量級組15%,及輕量級組23%與重量級組15%的比較,皆達顯著差異水準;在足技方面,則為輕量級組29%與重量級組40%的比較,達顯著的差異水準;在捨身技上,則是輕量級組22%與中量級組13%的比較,達顯著差異水準。3.獲勝得分等級:整體選手以獲得半勝的比例最高,佔46%,其次依序為一勝,佔29%、處罰,佔25%;則差異比較中,在半勝方面,輕量級組52%與重量級組41%的比較,達顯著的差異水準。結論:本結果顯示2017 年世界大學運動會柔道項目男子組獲勝時間有偏向時間終了的趨勢;而在選手所使用的得分技術,則是以足技最多,在手技運用上,輕、中量級組皆較多於重量級組;而在足技的運用上,重量級組優於輕量級組。在得分等級上則以獲得半勝分數最高,且輕量級組較高於重量級組。根據本研究所得到的結果可知,不同體重量級的戰術應用、所使用技術型態及身體能力均各不相同,因此建議訓練時應根據不同量級的特色,研擬適合的訓練項目,以求能提升選手在該量級組的競技能力,有效提升競賽表現。
Objectives: To analyze the contributions and the differences of winningpoints, scoring techniques and scoring levels among athletes in different weight categories in the male judo event of the 2017 Summer Universiade. Methods: Aborting the statistical method of two-sample z-tests. And comparing two samples of difference, with the condition of 316 matches, 230 athletes from 66 countries, in the male judo events of the 2017 Summer Universiade. The significant level is set to be p<.05. Results: 1. The time of technical points: Falls between 3:00-4:00 among all the athletes. 2. Scoring techniques of winning: among all the athletes, Ashi-waza scores the highest with the percentage of 34, followed by Katame-waza and Te-waza, both with 21%. In comparison analysis, for Te-waza, comparing the middle group with 23% and the heavy group with 15 %, and the light group with 23% and the heavy group with 15 %, are with significant difference. For Ashi-waza, comparing the light group with 29% and heavy group with 40%, reaches significant difference. For Sutemi-waza, comparing the light group with 22% and the middle group with 15%, reaches significant difference. 3. Scoring levels of winning: Among all the athletes, Waza-ari winning takes up the highest 46%, followed by Ippon with 29% and Penalties with 25%. In comparison analysis, for Waza-ari, comparing the light group with 52% and heavy group with 41%, reaches significant difference. Conclusion: The result shows that at the 2017 Summer Universiade, for the male Judo event, the time of technical points falls on mainly the final part of each match. The athletes in the male Judo event used the technique of Ashi-waza the most. For the use of Te-waza, the middle and light group are superior to the heavy group. For the use of Ashi-waza, the heavy groups are superior to the light group. For the scoring level, Waza-ari takes the highest percentage. Based on the result of the research, it is known that in different weight categories the athletes used different strategy, Judo techniques, and with different physical abilities. Therefore it is suggested that appropriate training should be scheduled according to the traits in different weight categories, in order to improve competitive abilities of athletes in their weight categories and effectively promote the performance in competitions. |