摘要: | 2018年底,中國大陸網民數量突破8億,世界首屈一指,與美國、歐洲並列全球三大社群網站市場。由於社群網站強調無國界的特質,與中國大陸威權統治主張網路空間主權有別,其特殊的政治、文化及本土化,形成獨樹一格的網路公民社會。因此,探討中國大陸網路管控與公民網路抗爭兩者之關聯性,對於中國大陸傳統社會之變革深具意義。
China, the United States, and Europe are the world's three major social media region. By the end of 2018, the number of internet users in mainland China exceeded 800 million, the user is the first in the world. Different from the borderless nature of social media, the authoritarian rule of mainland China advocates the sovereignty of cyberspace. Because of the special politics, culture and localization, social media has formed a unique online civil society in mainland China. Therefore, exploring the relevance between social media and civil society is meaningful to the transformation of traditional Chinese society.
This study is based on the observation and analysis of social media and cyber protest in mainland China. First, research the development of social media in mainland China and how to shape the process of cyber protest, which include the access to information, public concern, condensing the power and the civic action force etc. Secondly, analyze the factors of cyber protest, and two cases of the action of veteran for maintaining legal rights and labor rights struggle in the Xi Jinping period, to illustrate the development of cyber protest. Finally, discuss the attitudes and policies of Chinese government on social media and cyber protest, from early blocking to new era dredging means, and support official NGOs, to promote the nationalization of online civil society.
The study points out that Cyber Protest forms New Development of Social Movement, Cyber Protest is suppressed under the control of the state, National internet control under is dilemma, Both Cyber protest and National Control are relevant to political, Chinese and Western Cyber Protest models are different. |