一、 實習心理師接觸個案情慾移情之內在經驗轉變
(一) 情慾移情衝擊新手對治療關係的理想化及熱忱
(二) 情慾移情引起的混沌不明使實習心理師內在防衛與抗拒
(三) 中立態度使情慾移情變的更加爆裂與失控
(四) 不安及恐懼來自實習心理師內心深處的未解決之個人議題
二、 實習心理師對個案性慾化言語與行動化之認識
(一) 情慾移情所造成的模糊感會拉扯治療師的位置與界線
(二) 反移情使實習心理師在情慾移情的誘惑中動彈不得
(三) 實習心理師的認同與妥協會隱藏被激起的敵意
(四) 反移情與移情交互作用之下致使雙方的行動化
三、 實習心理師因應個案情慾移情與行動化之經驗
(一) 涵容與內化自我感受取代對情慾移情的逃避
(二) 承認情慾移情存在雙方治療關係之間
(三) 在有限的思考空間裡試著建構象徵以具體化情慾移情與反移情
(四) 透過時間沉澱與延宕尚未釐清之反移情
The purpose of this paper presents some experience on the delicate and complex phenomenon of erotic transference and countertransference issues occurs in the counseling internship, showing the interns how to feel and aware the erotic transference and countertransference. The study also demonstrates the interns’ reflection in the relationship between with the clients and the metal impact from erotic transference and clients-interns acting out. The study focused on three counseling interns as research objects and made semi-structural interviews on each intern for two times, with each interview lasting for 1.5-2 hours, the data of each interview analyzed with qualitative study method and then comprehensively interpreted. It comes to follow findings below:
I. Transformation of Counseling Interns Mental Process Experience in Erotic Transference During the Session:
i. Erotic transference impacts the beginners idealize and passionate from psychotherapy relationship.
ii. Interns feel chaos and defense their feelings when the erotic transference occurred in the session.
iii. Intern’s neutral attitude makes erotic transference going to explosive and out of control.
iv. The feeling of restless and fearfulness trigger from the deepest part in intern’s unsolved personal issues.
II. The Intern’s Opinions of Clients Eroticism Language and Acting Out.
i. Erotic transference makes the boundary going blurred, and it challenge the therapist position.
ii. Countertransference makes the interns stuck in client’s alluring from erotic transference.
iii. The hatred and hostile hidden from Interns identification and compromise in the session.
iv. Acting out between the interns-clients which occurring by erotic transference and countertransference.
III. The Intern’s Dealing with Process in Client’s Erotic Transference and Acting out.
i. Contain and internalization avoiding interns run away from erotic transference.
ii. Admitting the erotic transference between the interns and clients.
iii. In the limited space to symbolize and materialization erotic transference.
iv. Postponing the feeling and to clarify the countertransference.