本論文選擇國內知名國際旅館,凱撒飯店連鎖(Caesar Park Hotels & Resorts),根據商務型/休閒型與國際化/地區化飯店屬性,選擇台北凱撒大飯店、板橋凱撒大飯店、台北凱達大飯店、墾丁凱撒大飯店等四家旅館,以實地訪視與個案研究方式,初探品牌發展與定價策略之關係。根據個案研究具體結果,說明四家旅館之品牌精神、品牌定位、品牌形象、季節性定價、定價關鍵因素,藉此探究四家旅館是否具有顯著差異;同時,以此兩大構面具體結果進行質化分析,探討二者之間是否具有配適關係。
This thesis discusses the result about brand development, pricing strategy, and their relationship in hotel industry through case study. This study provides some research propositions from Caesar Park Hotels & Resorts and related results, including: (1) there are significant differences in brand spirit, brand positioning, and brand image between 4 hotels. (2) there are significant differences in pricing strategy and key factors between 4 hotels. And (3) there is a significant fit relationship between brand development and pricing strategy.