摘要: | 亞歷山大‧史克里亞賓(Alexander Scriabin, 1872-1915)為橫跨十九至二十世紀的俄國代表作曲家之一,其早期創作風格深受浪漫主義影響,在不斷的創新變革後,從調性音樂至完全摒棄傳統和聲,成為非調性音樂的先驅者,有別於當代其他俄國作曲家,開創了濃厚個人風格的音樂語彙。本論文以史克里亞賓早期作品《三首小品,作品2》(“Trois Morceaux, Op. 2”)中的〈練習曲,作品2第1首〉(“Etude, Op. 2 no. 1”)、《十二首練習曲,作品8第4、5、12首》(“Douze Etudes, Op. 8 nos. 4, 5, 12”)與中期作品《八首練習曲,作品42第4、5首》(“Huit Etudes, Op. 42 nos. 4, 5”)為例,深入研究與探討。
Alexander Scriabin (1872-1915) was one of the Russian representative composers in the 19th and the 20th centuries. His early works were greatly influenced by the Romanticism. In the early 20th century, he tried new ideas of compositional skills, forming a strong personal musical style. Rather than using traditional harmonic concepts to compose, he adopted avant-garde techniques, and became a leading pioneer in the atonal music. This thesis focuses on Scriabin’s Op. 2 no. 1( from “Trois Morcaux, Op. 2”), Etudes Op. 8 nos. 4, 5, 12( from “Douze Etudes, Op. 8”)and Etudes Op.42 nos. 4, 5( from “Huit etudes, Op.42”).
This thesis is divided into 9 chapters. The first chapter explains the purpose of this study. The second chapter shows a brief history of Etude, and some of Scriabin’s etudes composed in his early and middle periods will be introduced in this chapter. The third to the eighth chapter is the main part of the thesis. The writer will analyse some of Scriabin’s etudes and offer performance suggestions. The final chapter is the conclusion of the thesis. |