虛擬化已是許多大學廣泛使用的技術,已有許多大學因管理需求,開始導入虛擬桌面架構(Virtual Desktop Infrastructure, VDI)。在大學校園中使用VDI的虛擬桌面特性是有規模較大的使用者,且並不會太過於限制使用者的使用行為,這使得VDI環境中利用模板(Template)複製出來規格一樣的虛擬桌面之作法,無法有效進行運算資源管理;可能對有些使用者來說,運算資源給的太多,即會造成浪費,而對於需要運算資源的使用者來說,也只能使用到預設配給的運算資源。就管理者來說,大量且不易管理的使用行為將造成運算資源管理上的困難。
Virtualization is a popular technology applied in the higher education. Many univer-sities have built-up Virtual Desktop In-frastructure (VDI) for management issues. There are several characteristics of VDI in campus: large-scale users and few limitations for us-age behaviors; therefore, it is not so efficient for computing resource management by ap-plying a “template” in the VDI environment to generate user’s virtual desktop with the same configuration. For some users, the resources are overrated. For those re-sources-demanded users, the allocation of resources is not sufficient. From management viewpoint, the massive and un-management user behaviors will cause the difficulties of computing resource management.
Under the normal architecture of VDI, most of the virtualization platform equip the mechanism of resource usage balance for server. The usual idea is transfer virtual ma-chines dynamically to server with low level rate loading, However, this method is consid-ering only with the viewpoint of server computing resource allocation, without the con-sideration of the resource usage for virtual desktops. If the overloaded situation of whole server computing resource is caused by resource overloaded of many virtual desktops, the normal resource-balanced method of virtualization platform can not work efficiently.
This research will provide a mechanism to adjust computing resources of VDI envi-ronment dynamically in Higher education by considering the computing resource usage from the virtual desktop viewpoint. This method will provide more computing resources by considering the computing resource usage demand of virtual desktop, and then, can enhance the efficiency of the whole CPUs in the virtualization environment. Therefore, managers of VDI in Higher education can use this research to improve the management of computing resources.